Chapter 22

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Hey guys I'm excited to announce that..............I'm co-writing a book!

Yeah, I know I barely have enough time to update this one but this is something I've been planning for a while and I'm super excited about it. I don't want to reveal to much yet but it will be a supernatural story (Well kind of). I'll keep you updated on that if you're interested but anyway on with the story...


I slowly open my eyes and sit up, stretching as I do so. My eyes scan my surroundings, or lack of in this matter. All I could see was a misty light grey limiting my vision to about a meter on each side of me. I try to stand up but a force just pulls me back down. I try again but the force pulls me to the ground. My attempts were completely useless so I just sit and wait, for something I'm not even sure of.

"Are you the hero or the villian?" A voice calls out.

Haven't I heard that line before?

The same voice then starts cackling like a witch would in a movie, "Ironic isn't it?"

"Um...I guess?" I reply, confused as ever.

The voice stops cackling and seems to huff like they've just been told their joke wasn't funny, "You're supposed to ask 'What's ironic?'. Haven't you ever been taught to question the strange ominous voice and not agree with it?"

"I don't think it ever came up."

"Well, you're certainly boring."

"Fine," I roll my eyes, "What's ironic?"

"You've already ruined it, so there's no point in trying now."

"Would you please just continue?"

The voice huffs again before resuming its cackling,"Choosing between hero and villain seems easy, you pick a side to fight for - you pick what's right. But both side have a reason, both sides think they're right, so choosing a side may not be so easy especially when both sides really are right."

"Both sides can't be right, it doesn't make any sense!" I shout to the voice, "People fight against each other because of opposing opinions, if both sides are right then why would they be fighting in the first place?"

"Stupid girl," Thats rude, "The sides are fighting for different reasons, they have opposing opinions but both opinions are right."

I'm not getting this.

"Look at it this way, one side is fighting to protect one world, while the other is fighting to protect another world. Both worlds should be protected but if one lives then the other dies."

It's silent for a couple minutes before the voice speaks up again, "So which side will you choose?"

"Neither, it's simple."

The voice laughs, "You would think so, but when both sides are equal in every way and it's obvious the battle will only end in mass blood shed, there's always a tie-breaker and what if it's you?"

"Then I don't know what I would do. Why are you asking me this anyway?"

"If I told you that, it wouldn't be so mysterious."

"So you're just telling me because you want to be mysterious?"

"Well if I just told you everything straight out, all you're questions and problems could be solved and it would ruin all the fun. Plus I wouldn't get to return, my job would be over straight away."

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