Chapter 5

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"And this," Honey announces throwing the doors open dramatically, "Is the Cafeteria."

Noise floods out like a tsunami, instantly hitting my eardrums. I look around as we walk in.

Dark blue circular metal tables are surrounded by blue plastic chairs filled with people chatting, laughing and the occasional couple making out.

"This is the part where I drag you to a table and introduce you to my friends, but as I mentioned before I don't actually have any. Your my first." She giggles nervously and tucks a strand of curly hair behind her ear.

"I guess we have that it common."

She looks at me confused,"But how come? You seem like an awesome person."

"As I said before after I got my abilities I became closed off completely, eventually I made a friend called Becca, you would like her, but that's it." I explain.

"Oh right." She nods. She walks ahead of me to an empty table and sits down, I follow her lead and sit down opposite her.

Its only then when I realise something, "How come everyone's in here? Don't they have lessons or something?" I raise my eyebrows glancing around at the people mingling.

"Today's a day off, plus its around dinner time so most people are waiting for the food."

"How good is the food here?"

She groans,"Don't even get me started. Best thing you have ever tasted. Like ever." She licks her lips and I laugh.

"I thought you were supposed to be a dainty, girly pixie."

"I am, but my food should not be messed with otherwise this pixie will set her animals on you." She says, but I can't tell if she's serious or not.

"A-" I'm cut off my a deep, familiar voice.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

Honey's face morphs into one of fear and she sits up straight. I turn around to see the guy from outside, what was his name again?

Dyson? No, that's a hoover.


"Just leave me alone." I sigh.

"What's your name?" He asks, ignoring my request.

"Sarah." I lie, "Now please leave."

He smirks to himself, "Sarah. Such a plain name for a plain girl." (A/N: I don't have anything agaisnt the name sarah, and i am sorry if thats your name - you're proberbly a very interesting person.)

Oh if only he knew how 'plain' my name actually was.

"And your Tyson right?"

He nods, "The one and only." He also has the nerve to throw in a smirk.

"Ok cool." I turn away from him and back towards Honey.

"That's it?" He asks shocked. Hmm, I'm guessing he expected a little more fire, he wanted plain so I'm giving him plain.

"Yep." I nod and he gives me one last confused look before walking off with his jerk-tourage (A/N: If you get this, I love you). I can't help but notice how the entire popilation, guys included, stare at them as they walk out the doors, I mean yes - even I can appreciate their devastatingly good looks - but doesn't Tyson's prick personality put them off even the slightest bit?

I can saftley say that apparently it doesn't. Man, this school's weird.

Really? That's what's weird about this place? My conscious asks me sarcastically.

She's got a point. When I arrived I saw people using powers unknown to most of the world yet I didn't find that weird at all, a little out of the ordinary sure, but not weird - maybe its just because I belong here. Or do I?

Of course you do. She scoffs.

My thoughts are broken by Honey, "O my goodness gracious, you handled that awesomely." She smiles, clapping her hands excitedly.

"Thanks." I smile at her.

"Oooohhhh, look!" She points towards a slightly raised part of the cafeteria that looks like a stage, and a man who stands there tapping a microphone.

A high pitched noise rings throughout the cafeteria and all the students cover their ears and cringe.

God I hate that sound.

"Oopps." He shrugs, chuckling sheepishly.

"Anyway, now that I have your attention I would just like to say that I hope you all spent your day off studying - which I highly doubt, but its nice to dream." The students all chuckle, "Apart from that I would also like to announce that the spring dance is coming up so get asking that special person, or bribe them; I have no idea what you kids do these days. It is formal wear so," he pauses then shouts,"Girls - no trousers, t-shirts or baseball caps; I'm aiming that at you Becky."

A girl dressed in ripped jeans, a tank top and a baseball cap shouts back, "No promises Mr.K." He shakes his head.

"And also girls, none of those cropped tops, shorts, or mini skirts please. I'm aiming that at you Laura." All heads snap towards a blonde girl straddling someone's lap, making out heavily with them. Can I just say whoever dyed her hair did a horrible job, its so bright that it hurts to look directly at it. Someone taps her on the shoulder and she breaks the kiss to realise all attention is on her, she smirks obviously liking the spot light.

"Laura stop trying to suffocate the poor boy and please keep yours hands to yourself when in public areas. We have janitor closets for that." My eyes widen and the cafeteria erupts in laughter. Laura just shrugs and goes back to snogging the guy.

The guy on stage just rolls his eyes and continues, "That also means that boys - tuxedos. No buts or what ifs. You have to wear a tux. Thanks everybody. Have a good one. Oh and remember you have lessons tomorrow." He chuckles as everyone groans and then walks off stage. The cafeteria is filled with noise once again and I catch the occasional, 'Who are you going with?' And 'OMG!! That dick how dare he ask her?!' And 'No way! You two are super cute!'. And other stuff like that.

I turn back to Honey, "Who was that?"

"That was our principal, Mr. Knightly, he's a cool dude, easy-going and funny. But its Vice principal Waterlake you have to watch out for, don't let the innocent last name fool you - she was created by the devil himself."

"Really?" I ask, wide-eyed.

"No, it was a figure of speech." She giggles at my shocked expression.

"I honestly thought you were serious. You never know here, first Pixies what next?"

"Speaking of the supernatural what's your species or power or whatever?" She asks leaning forward in curiosity.

"I have no-" I'm cut off my the doors slamming open and a male voice shouting,

"Where is she?!"



Sorry guys I'll update soon, pinky promise.

Niamh out,


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