Chapter 12

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Before I start I'd like to say you all mean so much to me, this book just got 1,000 views and already has over 100 votes, thank you so much. Love you lots,

Peace out,


Not long after the teacher left, the bell rang signaling the end of homeroom. I got up with Connery who had AP science with me (We compared our schedules earlier) and we waved goodbye to the others as we left.

"Science, wahoo." Connery said sarcasm in his voice and fist pumped the air halfheartedly.

"I take it you don't like science." I chuckled.

"No, not at all."

"Why not?"

"1st off, when will I ever need to know what the chemical formula for iron sulphate is?" (A/N: Is iron sulphate even a thing?)

I shrug.

"Exactly and secondly, the teacher makes me want to throw myself out of the window and into a rose bush."

"They can't be that bad." I frown.

"Trust me, he is. He. Talks. Like. This. And. Makes. You. Want. To. Die." He pauses between every word for about 5 seconds and I almost punch him - yes, it was that annoying.

"Seriously?" I whine.

"Yup and he's so old that I'm pretty sure he was the one who discovered science."

I laugh and Connery soon starts laughing with me. I barley even notice him opening the door for me and stepping into deathly silence. My laughter slowly starts to die down as I look at the rest of the class, sat staring at me, some with amusement and some with a warning flicking their eyes between me and the teacher.

Connery walks in behind me still chuckling, he scans over the students until his eyes land on a group of guys sat in back corner. He salutes them, a boyish smile on his face, and some salute back whereas other roll their eyes playfully and smirk.

"How kind of you to grace us with your presence Mr.Kiloy." A voice comes from the very front of the room. An ancient - and when I say ancient, I mean dinosaur ancient - man is glaring codly at Connery who just smirks at him,

"I'm a nice guy," He winks and slings an arm around my shoulder, the teachers eyes follow his actions and land on me,

"Who's this?" He asks raising a bushy grey eyebrow.

"This is Amy, the new girl." Connery introduces me.

"I don't recall seeing an Amy on my class list." He says suspiciously, his voice just as annoying as Connery described if not more.

"My full names actually Amarante."

He walks to a laptop sat on his desk and starts clicking on it.

"Your last name's Ischyros, correct?"


"According to our records your a very smart girl, yes?"

"Ummm... I guess." God I hate situations like this.

"Then why are you hanging around Mr. Kiloy?"

"That's rude." I frown at him not really expecting a reaction.

"Did you just insult me, Miss. Ischyros?"

"I did. You can't just say that about a student, it's mean and you don't even know half of the facts. So I would suggest you zip it before you get fired." I sound like a mother scolding their child but to be honest I don't care, he's mean and should know it.

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