Chapter 21

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I'm sorry I disappeared from Wattpad for a while, it might happen again XD. At first it was because school was being school and my family kept having get together a and birthday parties. But then one of my friends and my brother made me watch the first episode of Fairy Tail and I have literally fallen in love, I'm now on episode 92 and I only started watching it this week.

My friend was just like, 'Welcome to the dark side'. Anime has pretty much taken over my life.


As soon as Carter said that he got up and left, messing up Archer's hair on the way. When he got to the door he turned back to look at me and gave me a heart stopping smile before turning again and walking away.

"What's his problem? He didn't even say goodbye." Honey grumbled.

"Carter hates saying goodbye." Archer whispers, looking at Honey with wide eyes.

"Why?" I ask.

"I'm not one hundred percent sure because he's never fully explained it but he once said that saying goodbye was never a problem for him until one day his father said it."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, that's the only story I could get but now he always tells me not to say goodbye because to him goodbye means forever."

"Woah, that guy has more problems then he's willing to show." I mumble.

"Trust me, he has a lot more." Archer mumbles back. He then shakes his head and smiles at us, "Anyway, they're his tales to tell not mine."

Honey and I smiles back at him. This kid is mature for his age and not to mention loyal to his brother. Wait a second though,

"Hey Archer?"

"Yeah." He looks at me questioningly.

"How come you and Carter have different last names?" I say remembering his name card at the airport said Archer Redmill while Carters last name is Griffin.

His eyes widen, "You remember?" I nod in reply and he scratches his head.

"Are you step-brothers?" Honey asks when he stays silent.

"No, we're blood related, we have the same parents." Archer defends him and his brother, "It's just that his Dad left before I was born, Carter and Mom won't tell me why, and Carter took his last name while I took Mom's."

Honey and I nod along to his story and I can't help but wonder what happened to his Dad and why Archer said 'his Dad' instead of 'Our Dad'. Before I can ask, the sound of loud voices arguing enter the restaurant.

"You're an idiot you know." A male voice insults another.

"There you go again, starting another argument." A female retorts.

"Guys would you just shut up and get along." I definitely know that voice. "Hey Amy!" The familiar voice shouts so I turn around.

"Hey Alex." I smile and she smiles back starting to come over with two bickering people behind her. She sat down at our table with a huff and the other two followed suit, on opposite sides of her.

"Guys this is Amy, and you already know Honey. I have no idea who the kid is." Alex states gesturing to us tiredly.

The girl looks at me with a smile, replacing the glare she was sending the guy a few seconds ago, "You were awesome in Battle Training, you took down those guys with style and managed to get the lesson ended early."

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