Chapter 25

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"I was going to carry on when I thought,'This isn't very secure, in fact it's a little too easy.' So then I thought that they must have some kind of guard system," My eyes widen as I look over her shoulder, "And then my mind instantly went to monsters, how ridiculous is that?" She laughs.

"Yeah, totally ridiculous." I turn her around to see what I was seeing. "But not wrong."

The beast stared at us with its beady orange eyes, two yellow tongues hanging out opposite sides of its drool-coated jaw. It's crimson fur was matted with dirt and grime which made it hard to make out the dark colour but even in the little light there is, it's almost impossible to miss the blood-like sheen of its coat. It stood on four legs; one, where the back legs would be on a dog, two at the creatures stomach and one where a dogs front legs would usually be - it was unusual to say the least, however the razor-blade claws on each paw told me I wouldn't get long to question it. It's back was hunched like a feral wolf, it's shoulder blades being visible from where we should and its three ears were perked up, each topped with what I assumed was a blade-like bone.

Me and Honey stayed staring at it in terror as it stared right back.

"Maybe it won't see us if we don't move, like a T-Rex." Honey whispers without moving her lips, as if she was some sort of ventriloquist. It's almost glowing eyes snap to her and it lets out a coughing sound.

"Is it okay? I think it has a cold." She whispers again.

"I think it's growling," I murmur back, "Not a good sign."

"Well that's an odd g- OH MY APPLE TEA!" She screams as the beast lunges at us, and darts away faster than what's human.

I run to catch up with her and to get away from the monster. She turns to me as we run, "Should we fight it?"

"I'm not sure I want to stop to find out." I reply, not even daring to look over my shoulder as we take an abrupt turn around a sharp corner. I hear a loud bang which I assume is the beast hitting the wall, unable to turn as fast as us, but it's soon followed by the sound of paws hitting the ground and claws scraping the walls.

"It gaining on us!" She squeaks when the beasts 'growl' resonates down the stone corridor.

"Look, the door to the left!" I shout as I see a door that we're coming up to, "Let's just hope it's not locked!"

As the door comes into reach I grab the frame and throw myself into it. The door flys straight open on impact and I tumble in, Honey not far behind. We watch from the safety of the room as the beast thunders past, its form being too heavy to fling itself into it, eventually crashing at the end of the hall unconscious.

Our duel sighs are joined by a whimper, and Honeys eyes instantly meet mine.

"You are not supposed to be here." The stranger whisper-growls, giving the impression that they're fearful yet angry.

Honey and I give each other subtle nods and quickly, somehow in perfect sync, turn around with our fists up in a defensive stance ready for a fight. However we're taken by surprise when we're met with a girl our age glaring at us to hide her curiosity and fear. She's stood in front of a bed - if it can be called that - with thin, torn sheets and a lumpy mattress with rusted springs poking out from various spaces. On the small tables by her bed are various plants although I'm unable to tell what they are due to the fact that they're all dead and crumbling. On the mouldy walls there are various drawings and pieces of writing to match carved into the stone that looks like something you would find in a science book. There's also paper randomly littered around the room each containing a different sketch that I can't make out from where I'm stood.

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