Chapter 20

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Guys...guys...psst...guys...I've updated again...

Hey! How was your Halloween!

Halloween is like one of my favourite holidays because who doesn't like free sweets and parties? Me and my best friend had a sleepover and we watched some horror movies because we're brave (We were pooping ourselves the whole time but who cares?).

Also go check out 'MADCATS AND NEMO'S' on YouTube (not in capitals btw) it's a channel who make minecraft music videos and they're really cool. They've made a remake of the 'Trouble' video by Iggy Azalea and a 'wizard of minecraft' video so yeah go check them out XD.



"Archer?!" I glance down at the giggling boy hugging me.

"Hi Mara!" He giggles looking at me with his big eyes.

"Hi...What are you doing here?" I ask him, slowly getting up from the floor with him still attached to me.

"Shopping, duh." He rolls his eyes at me. Wow, he's got more sass than Beyoncé.

"I meant how come you're here alone?"

"My schools right next door."

"It is?"

"Yeah, you just can't see it without stating it's there like most things around here." He smiles, his arms still around me nearly cutting off my oxygen supply.

Honey clears her throat and I look away from Archer to see her looking at me with a look that says you-better-introduce-me-to-the-little-cutie-crushing-you-ribs-or-I-will-sit-on-you-while-you-sleep.

"Archer, that punk over there is Honey. Honey this is Archer." I introduce them.

"I'm not a punk, if anything you're a punk." Honey sticks her tongue out at me then smiles a dazzling smile at Archer, "Hey Archer."

"Hi Honey, can I call you hoe?" I burst out laughing while Honey flushes red making me laugh harder.

"Um, I don't think that's a good idea."

Archer just looks confused, "What can I call you then?"

Honey pretends to think, "How about Honey?"

Archer beams up at her, "It's perfect."

I chuckle and ruffle his hair, "Who wants to go eat?"


We finally decided on going to Pizza Express after 10 minutes of arguing between Frankie and Benny's and Ask. Once we had a table we ordered our drinks and started chatting.

"So Archer how's school been?"

"Amazing, I've made loads of friends and the teachers are really nice. Oh, and we're aloud to use our powers which means I'm undefeated in Tig." He states proudly. (A/N It's Tig guys not Tag as some strange people call it)

He suddenly blushes and starts talking in a whisper, "There's also this one girl-"

Honey squeals and claps her hands together, "Ah, young love."

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