𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐕: 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐝

546 38 14

Reena was just staring continuously at the bedsheet that was covered with blood. Rocky on the other side was bandaging the wound that he got on his abdomen. Rocky in between was looking at Reena. Reena seems to be lost somewhere. 

Rocky: Dress up, we need to go.

Rocky said while bandaging the wound. Reena didn't reply and just went from there.  After a while, they both were in front of a hospital.

Reena: Why we are here??

Reena said while was, Rocky was just struggling to get out from the car due to his wound. Reena saw him and went to help. She forwarded her hand. Rocky at first didn't accept it, but later he held his hand and got out from the car. 

Rocky: We are here for your treatment doctor.

He said with an expressionless face.

Reena: What?

She said being confused

Rocky: You talk a lot let's go.

He said holding her hand and going inside the hospital. They went to an oncologist. After talking to the doctor, they came out. Reena had a treatment for her cancer. Reena being so much happy that she isn't going to die, hugged Rocky. Rocky felt an unknown emotion, but he didn't hug get back. Suddenly, rocky phone ranged. Reena came to her senses and aparted herself from Rocky. Rocky attended the call and came back.

Rocky: I have to go, but I will come back. You have to give some test, so stay here. I have called Sam he will be with you. And don't you dare go to Sid. I know he is admitted in this hospital. Don't try to act smart with me.

Saying this Rocky went from there. Reena went and give her test.


Reena came out from the doctor's cabin. He saw rocky was standing in front. She was going to him when she heard Sid's voice. She peeked inside the room and saw Sid talking to a woman and a girl. She heard their conversation and broke down.

Sid: Don't worry princess, dad is all fine.

little girl: You sure dad this isn't hurting.

Sid: Yeah sure my princess.

Reena who couldn't take it anymore went to rocky and broke down. She was about to fall on the floor that rocky held her.

Rocky: Slowly doctor, you are falling, you will get hurt.

Reena: I am already hurt. The man i trusted his already married and has a child. I dreamt my whole life with him and he betrayed.

Rocky was just carrising her hair. He held her and took her from there. 

Rocky (in mind): I knew it would hurt you but I couldn't hide the truth.


Sam: Bhai, I have all the information of Sid. 

Rocky just hummed in response, while taking a sip of his whisky.

Sam: Sam is married and has a daughter, His family is living in another city so here nobody knows that he is married. He trapped Reena mam just for money and lust.

Rocky: We have to bring the truth, but if I say all these things to her, she will not believe me, let's do one thing call his family and say that Sid is admitted in hospital. The rest leave it on me.

Rocky said finishing the drink.

Flashback ends

Rocky was driving and Reena on the other hand was just crying. Today she got the world's biggest happiness that she has a cure, but on the other hand she got the world's biggest shock. Rocky was feeling an unknown emotion, seeing Reena sobbing. He just wanted to kill Sid for what he has done to Reena, but her daughter face came in front of him. Rocky stopped the car in front of a cafeteria.

Rocky: Go spell your heart out to your friend. I will be back in 2 hours.

Reena just hummed and went from there.

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