𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐕𝐈𝐈: 𝐈 𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮

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Reena was walking restlessly in the room. She was thinking that how would she sleep because there was only one room in the flat. Rocky was taking and bath at that moment. Reena picked up a pillow and a bedsheet and laid it down on the floor next to bed. Rocky came out of the shower and wasn't surprised seeing Reena sleeping on the floor. Because he knew the least thing that she would want is to sleep in the same bed with him. Rocky sighed because he knows that it's not good for Reena's health to sleep uncomfortably, she needs rest until she is cured. He saw Reena changing sides because she was uncomfortable. Rocky went and slept on the bed.

It is 7am and it is a cloudy day. The sun is hidden behind the clouds, and it looks it will rain. Reena wakes up with a pout and starts rubbing her eyes. After looking through the room, she realizes that she is on the bed instead of the floor. She is surprised and shocked. She gets up, and sees Rocky brushing his hair. Furthermore, she says to him in a serious tone.

Reena: How did I end up sleeping in the bed.

She asked shocked.

Rocky: Hmm

Reena: Don't just hmm in reply.

Rocky: You couldn't sleep on the floor, so you got up in half sleep and laid on the bed.

He said while putting the brush down.

Reena: This isn't true

Rocky: You don't want to believe me, your wish.

He said while putting his favourite scent.

Reena: Tell me exactly what happened?

Rocky: I already told you, I have more to say, Doc.

He said while going towards the bed to grab his phone and watch. Rocky said while looking at the bed.

Rocky: Now the bed is full of your scent and sweat.

Reena didn't said anything. Rocky going towards the door.

Rocky: You have 30 minutes, I am waiting for you downstairs.

Reena just hummed. Rocky went with a smirk, remembering what happened last night.


Rocky, who wasn't able to sleep seeing Reena struggling, went and picked her up in his arms. He was mesmerized because she was looking just like an angel. He gently placed her on the bed. When he was about to go, Reena grabbed his arm unknowingly in the sleep. Rocky smiled and gently put her hand away. He went and slept in the floor. He was now feeling peaceful, seeing Reena sleeping comfortably. Not only that, but he didn't know what was happening to him. How can a girl can affect him so much. He knows very well how to hide his feeling, but when he is alone he just can't deny the way he feels. Somewhere, Rocky is starting to fall for Reena, but isn't ready to accept.

Flashback Ends

Reena got ready and went down. Rocky dropped her to the hospital and said to Sam to stay with her like a shadow when he is absent. Reena just sighed on his action. She went and did a surgery. She was feeling tired because the surgery was one of the most complicated surgery she has done, and she didn't succeed in it. Due to the internal bleeding, she lost the patient.

She went to the car and said to Sam to take her to her old home because she wanted to pick her things. Reena was feeling very depressed because she just couldn't save the patient. Sam already informed Rocky about what happened. Reena went and said to Sam that he can come inside because it was raining a lot. Sam agreed, he went in, but he stated in the entrance of the house. Reena went in her old room and started packing her things. When she she was packing she saw a box. 

She opened it and found all of hers and Sid's pics. She started crying. For her, Sid was her first love. Her soulmate. Her everything. But Sid betrayed her, he only wanted Reena for her money. Reena's sadness turned into anger, she picked up all the photos and the gifts Sid ever gifted to him. She threw all the things in the terrace and burned. Sam, upon seeing Reena's state, called Rocky. Rocky upon hearing all this left all his work and left for Reena's house. Due to heavy rain, the traffic was blocked. Rocky was getting worried about Reena by every passing second. He didn't know why he is caring too much about the girl he met a month ago. Why from suddenly Rocky felt pain seeing Reena's tears. What was happening to him.

Reena who locked herself in the room, was crying. Sam was getting worried because Reena took 2 Jack Daniel's bottle with her. Rocky reached there in an about half an hour. He asked Sam where is Reena and went towards to the room. He knocked thrice, but no response came. Restless, Rocky broke the door and say Reena unconscious. Rocky ran to her and grabbed her. As soon as Rocky touched Reena, Reena woke up but wasn't in her senses. He saw the Jack Daniel's bottles and sighed. Reena's treatment was going on, so she needs to avoid these types of thing for a while. Reena only drinks when she is too sad, and she wants to forget everything. She was blabbering things, not knowing what she was saying.

Reena: You know, Rocky, You are very akdu.

Rocky just smiled on her words.

Rocky: Yes doc, I know.

Reena: You never try to understand me, you are always forcing your decisions on me.

Rocky: But I do it for your betterment.

Reena: You know, wet hair make you look very handsome.

Rocky was surprised, because Reena never praised him. His hair was wet due to rain. Reena was staring continuously at his lips. Water was dripping from Rocky's hair. Out of nowhere, Reena suddenly kissed Rocky. Rocky was too shocked. Reena pecked his lips and slept in his arms. Rocky was just trying to digest what just happened. He knew very well that Reena wasn't in her senses. Many girls had kissed him before, but never made him feel like the way Reena did. He looked at Reena and thought, what is she doing to him. Rocky after a while came back to his senses.

He picked her up and laid her down on the bed. Rocky touched her forehead and she had a fever. Rocky then give him medicine with very difficulty and cared for her. Rocky was sitting beside Reena because Reena held Rocky's hand and blabbered in sleep "please don't leave me alone, I need you". Rocky slept sitting beside Reena.

Hey  guyss, 

I am back with a new chapter after soo long. It's been 4 months since I updated. So much, Sorry for that. I had my classes and my practicals, so I didn't get time to update. So sorry for not replying you guys on Wattpad as I wasn't active. I am dropping my IG I am active there. I will try to update the next chapter soon. 

Drop your love on this chapter. Comments how it was. They had their First kiss. Will Rocky understand his feelings for Reena? Will Reena fall for Rocky? 

IG: @ tintedsoul_19

Follow me and may you guyss have a great day.

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