𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈: 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞

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The next morning, Reena woke up and saw Rocky sleeping in an uncomfortable position. She slowly got up without disturbing his sleep and went outside the room. Her head was paining a lot due to the fever and alcohol. She went outside and saw Sam siting in the lounge. She went to him and asked him what had happened last night, as she couldn't remember anything. Sam smiled and said:

Sam: You drank 2 bottles of Jack Daniel's and you were high. When sir came, you were unconscious and were blabbering things. You had a high fever and sir took care of you all night. Sir was too worried about your health that he didn't move away from you all night. When I called him and told about everything happen, he came immediately. When he arrived and saw that you lock yourself in the room. He didn't waste a second to broke it down. Honestly speaking, I have never seen sir that much worried in his life. For the first, I saw true care in his eyes. I can assure you mam sir is a very nice but fails to express. He has been lonely since childhood. 

Reena was surprised seeing the care Rocky had for her. She just hummed in response to Sam. She didn't know how was she feeling. Millions of questions were coming into her mind. She went to the washroom to freshen up. She saw herself in the mirror and her eyes caught her lips. She had some blurry vision of her kissing Rocky.

Reena: No no no, this can't be true. I can't do that. Why? Reena arghhhh

Saying this, she washed her face. She was continuously thinking about the Kiss. She was very embarrassed. Not only that, but she didn't kiss any boy in her life. Not even Sid. She was thinking how can Rocky closeness affect her so much, what was he doing to her. 

Today it was Sunday, so Reena was free. She sat on the sofa and started reading a book. After 10 min she saw Rocky going somewhere, he was looking very angry. Reena got up and stopped him.

Reena: Where are you going?

Rocky: I have important work to do. Will be back in 4h.

He said, looking in his mobile.

Reena: Have breakfast and then go.

Rocky: I am not hungry.

He said, still looking in his mobile.

Reena: Look at my face when I am talking to you

She said while taking his phone.

Rocky: Give me my phone back!

He said with angry voice and looking into Reena's eyes. His dark orbs were expressing how much angry he was. Reena was confused why was he angry. It is because she got drunk? Thoughts like this were coming to his mind.

Reena: Ok, I will come with.

Rocky: I have no time to deal with your childish behaviour.

Reena picked her bag and went towards the car. Rocky was very frustrated with her.

Rocky: You are coming with me. Ok. But you need to obey me

Reena: Let's see

Rocky started driving the car. They went to some Farmhouse. As soon as they reached, Reena saw a man who was brutally getting beaten. Rocky get off the car.

Rocky: Stay in the car, I will be back in a few minutes.

Reena was just looking at the man, who was covered entirely in blood. She saw Rocky grabbing the man by his hair and he shot him in the forehead. He said something to his man and came back. Reena was shocked seeing all the scenario in front of her. Rocky came and started driving again.

Reena: Why the hell u killed the poor man.

Rocky: Poor, i can assure you he wasn't poor. He deserved dying.

He said with a smile on his face.

Reena: Why, what did he do?

Rocky: He stepped on my territory.

Reena: Just for stepping on your territory you will kill him?

Rocky: Yes

He said with an expression less face and continued driving.

Reena: You seriously don't know what is losing someone

Hearing Reena's word. Rocky got a flashback of a kid crying beneath a table and shouting Mama, Papa. Reena shaked him and he came to his senses.

Reena: Reply me.

Rocky: You can't force me.

They were arguing that suddenly a bullet hit their car and punctured the car. Rocky, for the first time in his life, was afraid by listening to the gun shot. He wasn't afraid for himself, but for Reena. Rocky stopped the car and said to

Rocky: Ok, doc now you have to listen to me carefully. You just need to run at full speed. That people won't harm you, they need me.

He said meanwhile the men kept shooting, and a bullet hit Rocky's arm.

Reena: I won't leave you alone.

Rocky: Just go doc

Reena: I won't, you are injured.

Rocky: It's not the first bullet that I have taken. Just go.

He said while pushing Reena out of the car. He then got off the car and started firing at them to distract them. Reena started running. When she turned around, she saw Rocky getting shot on the back and falling down. Tears started coming in her eyes, she didn't know what was happening. She then called Sam. Sam upon hearing all this came running. Reena saw that the guys were leaving. She then ran at her full speed towards Rocky. She saw Rocky, lost a lot of blood. As she is a Doctor, she stopped the bleeding, Rocky was half conscious.

Rocky: Why did you come back? Why did you put your life at risk for me?

Reena: I am doctor and it's my duty.

Rocky: But wanted me to die, so why are you covering my wounds?

Reena didn't have any reply to the question. Why was she afraid of losing him? Rocky got unconscious.

Reena: Rocky! Rocky! Stay with me Rocky.

She said while tapping his face. She check his heartbeat and his heartbeat was getting slow. Reena was afraid.

Reena: Rocky, come on, you are strong. You just can't give up.

She said while crying and hugging him. 

Hey guyss,

I am back with a new chapter after  a while It's been a months since I updated. So much, Sorry for that. 

Drop your love on this chapter. Comments how it was. 

IG: @ tintedsoul_19

Follow me and may you guyss have a great day.

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