𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐗𝐕𝐈: 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐫

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The hospital room, bathed in the sterile glow of artificial light, held an air of quiet despair. Machines beeped rhythmically, monitoring the vital signs of the woman lying motionless on the bed. Reena, Rocky's wife, remained trapped in the depths of a coma that seemed impervious to the passage of time.

Rocky, his eyes heavy with exhaustion and grief, pulled up a chair and sat beside Reena's bedside. Her stillness contrasted sharply with the memories of a vibrant, lively woman he had once known—a woman whose laughter had echoed in the spaces they shared, a woman whose dreams had intertwined with his.

"Hey, Doc" Rocky began, his voice a soft murmur in the hushed room. "It's me, your akdu. I've got so much to tell you."

He reached out, gently taking Reena's hand in his. The touch, once familiar, now felt like an anchor in a storm of uncertainty. Rocky's gaze traced the contours of Reena's face, a face etched with memories of shared joys and untold dreams.

"I did it, Doc" Rocky continued, his voice cracking with emotion. "I took revenge for our unborn baby. Raj paid for what he did. But, you know, it doesn't change anything. It doesn't bring our baby back, and it doesn't bring you back to me."

Rocky's eyes welled with tears as he spoke, the weight of his words hanging in the air. The room seemed to close in on him, a suffocating reminder of the helplessness he felt in the face of Reena's deteriorating condition.

"I miss you, Doc" he whispered, his words a tender confession. "I miss the sound of your laughter, the way you used to scold me for leaving my shoes everywhere, and the warmth of your embrace. This... this isn't how our story was supposed to go."

As Rocky spoke, the monitors continued their steady beeping, a metronome to the rhythm of his grief. He leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss on Reena's forehead, as if hoping that his love could transcend the barriers of her unconscious state.

The door creaked open, and a nurse entered, casting a sympathetic glance at Rocky. "Visiting hours will be over soon, sir. Take your time."

Rocky nodded, his attention returning to Reena. "I can't lose you, Doc" he muttered, his voice a desperate plea. "I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can, please, come back to me. I need you."

As the nurse left the room, Rocky remained by Reena's side, grappling with the silent void that had enveloped their once vibrant life. He spoke of their shared memories, the dreams they had woven together, and the promises of a future that seemed to slip further away with each passing day.

Days turned into weeks, and still, Reena's condition showed no improvement. Rocky, his routine defined by the hospital's sterile walls, held onto a flicker of hope that refused to be extinguished.

In the quiet moments, when the hospital room became a sanctuary for whispered confessions and silent pleas, Rocky clung to the belief that love had the power to defy even the cruelest of circumstances. As he sat by Reena's bedside, he found solace in the memories they had created, vowing to carry their love forward, no matter the outcome that awaited them in the unfathomable depths of tomorrow.

The hum of the hospital room seemed to fade into the background as Rocky sat by Reena's bedside, lost in the labyrinth of memories that spanned their shared journey. The rhythmic beeping of the monitors became a distant echo, and the clinical scent of antiseptic was replaced by the fragrance of moments woven into the fabric of their love.

One particular memory unfolded in Rocky's mind—a memory that brought a tender smile to his lips. It was a day like any other, a day when Reena, immersed in her role as a surgeon, unknowingly became a pivotal part of a whimsical chapter in their story.

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