𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝚾𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈: 𝐑&𝐑 𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬

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Sunlight streamed through the sterile window of Reena's hospital room, illuminating the dust motes dancing in the air. Rocky sat beside her bed, his eyes tracing the faint rise and fall of her chest. He held a thick stack of papers in his hand, the weight of them heavier than their physical form.

The past few months had been a blur of grief and determination. After Reena's coma and the loss of their unborn child, Rocky had felt utterly lost. The revenge he exacted on Raj had brought no solace, only a hollow emptiness. But from that emptiness, a seed of change sprouted.

Reena's memory fueled him. He remembered her unwavering belief in him, the way she saw a future where he was more than just a mafia leader. He remembered her gentle nudges towards a life built on something more substantial. So, Rocky had dismantled his empire, brick by painstaking brick.

It hadn't been easy. Threats and intimidation followed him like shadows, but Rocky had faced them all with a newfound resolve. He used his business acumen, honed in the dark corners of the underworld, to build a legitimate company.

He started small, with a construction firm that focused on sustainable housing projects. It was a far cry from his old life, but it felt right. He poured his heart and soul into the company, naming it 'R&R Enterprises.' Every successful project, every satisfied customer, was a silent tribute to his wife.

Now, as he held the incorporation papers of R&R Enterprises, a wave of bittersweet emotions washed over him. He had become the man Reena believed he could be, but the victory felt hollow in her absence.

"Look, Doc," he said softly, his voice husky with emotion. "I did it. Here it is, R&R Enterprises. Everything you always wanted for me."

He placed the papers on the bedside table, the crispness of the white paper stark against her pale hand. He gently clasped her hand in his, the warmth spreading a familiar comfort through him.

"I know you can hear me," Rocky continued, his voice low and steady. "I can feel it sometimes, a faint flicker of your presence. Remember how you used to complain about my late nights at the 'office'? How you dreamed of a day when I'd be home by dinner, building something for a future, not tearing down the past?"

He squeezed her hand, a silent plea echoing in the quiet room. "This is it, Doc. This is the life you wanted for us. We can have it all now. We can build a home, a family, just like you dreamed. Please, Reena, come back to me."

Rocky spoke of their dreams, the quiet evenings they envisioned, filled with laughter and the promise of a future that stretched before them. He described their potential home, a haven nestled amidst nature, a far cry from the cold concrete jungle they once inhabited.

His voice cracked as he spoke about the nursery they never got to decorate, the tiny clothes he had bought on a whim, now gathering dust in a forgotten closet. He confessed his fear of losing her, a fear that gnawed at him every waking moment.

Hours turned into a melancholic symphony of memories and pleas. Rocky poured his heart out, the silence broken only by the rhythmic beeping of the machines monitoring Reena's vital signs. His voice grew hoarse, his eyes heavy with unshed tears, but he never left her side.

As daylight faded, casting long shadows across the room, a nurse entered, concern etched on her face. "Mr. Bairya, visiting hours are over."

Rocky nodded silently, his gaze fixed on Reena. It was a daily fight, this battle against the silence, the uncertainty.

He leaned forward, his forehead resting against Reena's cool hand. "I won't give up, Doc," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "I'll keep building R&R Enterprises, brick by brick, day by day. Maybe someday, when you wake up, you'll be proud of what we've built together."

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