Fat Perks

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Later that same night, Megan and Amy were both in their room, laying on their beds, listening to music, and doing homework. It was a Friday, and while some people on their floor went out to various parties around campus, Megan and Amy enjoyed laying low, hold for the occasional party with their extended friend group.

Megan was a shorter girl, 5'4", with long, dirty blonde hair and a fair complexion. She had a huge butt and an even bigger stomach, which both jiggled when she walked. She grew up in a small Connecticut town with her parents and her younger brother, Richard. And while Richard is one of the tiniest 14 year old boys in his high school, Megan had always been one of the largest kids around. In fact, she weighed as much as her younger brother does now when she was only nine years old.

As soon as Megan was born she was spoiled; spoiled with attention, spoiled with toys, and spoiled with food. Her mom was and still is to this day proud to see her have a clean plate, and is more than happy to feed her all she wishes to eat, whenever she wants. From when Megan weighed fifty pounds on her second birthday to when she graduated high school at 200, her mom was proud to say she had a beautiful, thick, curvy girl, and would never think to put her on a diet or have her any other way.

Amy, on the other hand, had a very different upbringing. Growing up in Pennsylvania, she lived with her parents, her older brother Mike, and her twin sister Abby. Her dad especially was very conscious about health and eating right, and made sure the entire family followed strict dietary guidelines to live a healthy life. But this didn't stop Amy from getting her feeder tendencies. Her first experience with her feeder ways was giving her twin sister her own snacks and other food at a very young age so she could eat more, and it was a surprise to her parents when at eight years old, Amy was 10 pounds underweight while Abby was 20 pounds over.

Now at 5'8" tall, Amy has dyed her hair from a brownish red to a jet black, which matches nicely with her dark brown eyes. And while she is no longer underweight, now with more of an athletic build, she still feels it because the closest people in her life, Megan, her sister Abby, and her boyfriend John whom she started dating her senior year of high school, all weigh no less than fifty pounds more than she.

"Delivery please," Megan said suddenly, breaking the silence. "Yes, to 312 Topuz Hall." Amy chuckled at the thought of Megan getting even more food, even after having a three course dinner with her just over an hour ago. "I'll have one large pizza with bacon and meatballs, and one order of cheesy breadsticks. And... hold on, Amy do you want any food?" Megan asked.

"No thanks girl, I'm still full from when we ate an hour ago," Amy said rolling her eyes and smiling.

"Okay, that'll be it then," Megan said on the phone. "I'll pay in cash please. Thank you!" Megan hung up the phone.

"More food?" Amy asked.

"I'm hungryyyyyy," Megan moaned.

"I don't think you know what being full feels like."

"Is that the feeling when you don't want to eat anymore? I don't know what that is," Megan said jokingly.

"I honestly believe you. Oh, by the way while you were ordering more grease we got an email for housing next year. Make sure you sign up and request me as a roommate."

"Oh shit, yeah I'll do that right now. We're bitches to each other out of love a lot of the time, but really I don't know what I'd do if I had any other roommate, Amy."

"Okay okay Megan, let's not get too sentimental here, I heard this earlier today already. You're the bestest and fattest roommate I could ever ask for, is that good?"

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