Week of Eat

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"Three hundred and forty three pounds," Megan's scale read as she stood atop it in nothing but a bra and underpants, fatter and flabbier than she ever has been.

"Only 343?! Megan come on you should at least be 350 by now!" Amy exclaimed, angrily writing down what she considered to be a very light weight in her progress notebook.

"Amy I'm sorry! What do you want me to do?! I've been eating non stop for MONTHS. I'm literally exploding with food right now and I'm staring down a full pizza I know I'm about to devour as soon as I step off of this scale. What do you want from me?" Megan said, more flustered than she has ever been at her roommate.

"Megan I... I don't want you to be miserable. But I want to push you. We've made it this far right? And look at how hot you look like that!" Megan looked at the mirror and started smiling as she really took in her new body... the parts she could see, at least, as she's now substantially wider than her full body mirror. Full pillows of fat have formed on her upper arms, and her forearms weren't far behind. Her butt was now the size of two fully inflated balloons, and, as she's learning the hard way, most seats on campus aren't built for a behind as impressive as hers. When she can't find a dining hall table with a bench as seating, she's been starting to grab two chairs for herself, one for each massive side of her body.

Her stomach now sticks at least 12 inches past where it once was, and even at 240 pounds, Megan's stomach was still quite fat. Even her face has gained a couple of inches since Spring Break, with her fat cheeks puffing out further from her face than ever before, even when she wasn't smiling. And when laying in her bed on her computer, her double chin now can be used as a comfortable pillow to help align her head with her laptop monitor. Overall, while a month ago Megan still looked like a very fat girl, she is now entering the territory of being so fat, people need to at least glance at her to take in her massive body, which is over 100 pounds heavier than it was three short months ago.

Megan looked in the mirror in silence for a minute before finally taking a deep, shivering breath. "I've never loved how I looked more..." Megan said with a tear in her eye. "I'm sorry for snapping Amy. I know you're trying as hard as you can. But I give you my word that I'm dedicated from now until my doctor's appointment next week. I can wake up early, go to bed late... if I'm awake I'm eating. We've gotten this far, right?"

Amy smiled, proud of her feedee. "Megan you've already gained more weight than I've ever seen in my entire life. You are the best feedee a girl could ever meet, and I'm lucky to have been able to get you this far. So let's get another 7 or 8 pounds on that fat ass of yours and get yourself a bed you can actually fit in... I miss sleeping in one." Megan and Amy chuckled as they turned their head to what used to be their beds. However, as of last week, Amy relinquished her bed and pushed it right next to Megan's, giving her giant roommate enough room to sleep without literally falling out of bed due to her massive size. Amy has been sleeping on a memory foam pad and one pillow for the last week, and will for the rest of the semester, but it's a small price to pay for getting her own luxury room next year.

"So it's the weekend now," Amy began. "I want you to plant your fat ass in that bed right there and don't move. You are behind weight and I can't afford you to lose any calories. You will walk down the hall to go to the bathroom, but besides that I'm initiating 24 hour greasy catering for you."

Megan's eyes widened before becoming a bit concerned. "Wait Amy no dining halls? You're gonna order food all weekend? With the way I eat?! That's going to cost a million dollars."

Amy chuckled before pulling out a wad of cash from her desk. "This is my rainy day fund. And this weekend is one long, rainy day. I got most of it this Christmas and I've been putting off using it. I can get new jewelry and running gear for my birthday. For now, consider this me buying us a spot in Thill Apartments." Megan got up to hug her roommate before Amy ran over to stop her. "Ah, ah ah! What did I say fatty? No moving until class Monday morning. Now you work on this pizza while I order us some wings and calzones."

"More pizza too!" exclaimed a very comfortable Megan who was already half a slice into her pizza in mere seconds, taking no more than two bites to eat the better half of it.

"Whatever you want, you're gonna get, Miss Soon-To-Be-350-Pounds." Megan smiled with delight as she heard that magical number. Then she smiled bigger thinking about how much of her favorite food she was about to devour over the next week.

"Hi... order for delivery please. Yes, do you have a maximum delivery amount?" Amy smirked. "Perfect! I'll please have..."

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