Change (Part One)

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"Yes that's right, five pizzas. All meat lovers. Yes and a two liter of Sprite and a two liter of Coca Cola. One order of cheesy bread... actually make that two orders of cheesy bread. Yes and an extra large order of cheese fries. And do you have wings? ...perfect, please give me your largest order of barbecue wings, boneless please. Yes that'll be all... I'll pay in cash... see you then."

Amy tearfully hung up the phone. "Who wouldn't love to have a girlfriend who buys you all of this food John..." she whispered to herself. Spring break for Amy went poorly, but also just about as well as she expected it to go. Her strained relationship with her boyfriend, who had come back for spring break lighter than when she last saw him and more muscular than he's ever been, couldn't even make it halfway through the week.

Amy's relationship with John has been tumultuous since the beginning. What started as a friendship turned into a relationship after Amy helped John through a breakup. Three weeks after that relationship ended, theirs began and Amy, who had never had a boyfriend before, was blinded to any chance that it was a rebound for John. And while John remained cool and even a bit distanced from Amy, she had no problems telling him all of her feelings as soon as they came to mind. She confessed her love to him less than a month into their relationship, and told him all about her fetishes soon after that. Not wanting to hurt their friendship (more so than their relationship), John tried his hardest to play along and adapt to whatever Amy wanted.

Sooner than later, the couple had been dating for over a year, John reluctantly let himself go and put on some weight, and yet Amy was mysteriously disappointed and could not figure out why. She had a boyfriend who she could be honest to, who was gaining weight, and that she loved, but deep down she could sense a disconnect between the two.

But nevertheless the two pushed on... until fast forward to Spring 2020, this year. Even though she tried to keep her relationship problems behind the scenes, Amy knew that tension between her and John was building. Not only was it him telling her he was going to diet and start weight training this semester, but that he was even considering a transfer to a college in Chicago, over 12 hours away by car from Amy's house. Something that Amy was too timid to even tell Megan about. So it didn't even come as a surprise to Amy when John broke it off with her Tuesday of their spring break. The same day he received his acceptance letter to his new college.

"I'm baaaaaaack!" screamed Megan as she burst through the door of her and Amy's dorm. Thankfully for Amy, the tears were pushed away in the last few minutes. As emotional as Megan and Amy were happy to get with each other, Amy had bigger plans for tonight. "Look what I brought!" Megan held up two extra large bags from McDonald's before plopping them down on her desk. "I even got an extra McDouble for you if you actually wanna join the fat side for 5 minutes."

Amy's eating habits have still remained somewhat clean even after forcing 10,000's of calories down Megan's throat every day. But with a whimpery smile on her face, she responded, "you know I... I could really use a snack like that right now. Thank you girl. I missed you." Amy walked over to Megan to get a fat hug from her before stopping right before she wrapped her arms around her as far as they could go. "Look at YOU girl! You did not slow down this week did you?"

"I told you I could do it!" Megan purposely wore one of her last remaining outfits from the beginning of the semester, just show off even more progress. "This is my last t-shirt that fits me. Literally I only have this one. The rest are basically crop tops." This giant t-shirt Megan won at a local burger shop last year that used to reach halfway down her thighs could now barely cover up her midriff, with her fat rolls poking out depending on how far she turned her body. "McDonald's does a body good!" Megan exclaimed.

Before she could get another word in, Amy gave her a giant hug, grabbed a handful of her stomach and said, "just a little bit bigger and we're in!"

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