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"About 30 minutes until the wings get here, thank god," Amy said as she stuffed a fist full of Doritos in her mouth. "I wish food could just appear in our laps when we're studying for finals, we deserve it."

"I'd support that," Megan said as she was fully reclined, laying back eating her second Ben & Jerry's pint of the afternoon. "I'm so hungry for wings I could die." Her stomach was hanging out of a tank top that was far too tight, one that she bought last Summer shortly after moving out freshman year. "I'm gonna miss this place this Summer, I wish the school just let you live in Thill all year round."

"I think our bodies need a break from each other girl," Amy said chuckling, looking down at her lap, or what she could see of it. She now had a stomach that reached halfway to her knees when sitting down. "I can't believe how fucking fat I got this year."

"I'm so proud of you, my little fattling. Soon you'll be as much of a fat queen as me," Megan said proudly as she rubbed her still-expanding fat stomach, so large that her hand looked microscopic while patting it. "I'm so happy we're such bad influences on each other."

"Yeah and it doesn't help that we both crave different things at different times. I don't think there's been one night this year where we wanted to order from the same place," Amy lamented.

"See I love that personally. Because then instead of eating a lot of food from one restaurant, we end up eating a lot of food from two places!" Megan smiled big. "That kind of diet is good for a fat girl!"

"I'm shocked we settled on just getting wings this afternoon... I mean we got the party platter but still," Amy said blushing slightly.

Megan sat up in her recliner the little bit she could. Her giant size, full stomach, and laziness prevented her from moving more than a few inches. "Well it's only Sunday afternoon, and we need to cram so much. Finals are only two weeks away. I'm sure this living room is going to be wall-to-wall with take out by midnight."

"Ugh please," Amy moaned. "My dream. I really thought I was gonna be able to focus more this year now that I wasn't stuffing food down your through 18 hours a day. But now I'm just distracted by wanting to eat every minute. Being fat is hard!"

The girls both laughed. "Now you understand the struggle, girl. I can go 30 minutes after eating until I'm thinking about the next thing I'm about to eat. Last semester ruined me, and I'm never going back to only eating three meals a day."

"Well first of all you ate at least four meals a day, even first semester. Miss 'my parents give me money to get take out so I should just get take out every night'!"

Megan chuckled as she threw a cookie in her mouth from a pack sitting next to her, buried under her fat. "Well if they were gonna pay for all of it I was gonna take advantage of it! Besides, it helped me realize that eating three meals a day is so old school..."

Amy's face zoned off into her laptop screen, not paying any attention to Megan. "Oh fuck," Amy muttered.

"What's up girl?" Megan asked, not moving an inch. Megan's officially gotten so fat that her body language has changed. While she used to try to move forward when Amy gets serious about something, she's gotten too heavy and too lazy to even try anymore.

"This email from Res Life. 'Updated Disabilities Request Form' it says."

"It's fine!" Megan said as she ate another two cookies. "We submitted the form weeks ago, we're already guaranteed this room again."

"No... it says you need to resubmit because they changed some disability definitions. 'Due to potential system abuse' it says." Amy's round face had a worried look on. She even moved her Doritos off to the side to focus more on the situation at hand.

"Wait so what are you sayi-"

"Shh," Amy said swiftly. "I'm reading now. It says highlighted disabilities are changed. Fuck, fuck, fuck, the fucking BMI rule changed."

"Oh crap," Megan said, finally sitting up in her chair after huffing for a second to lift herself up.

"It's not a BMI of 60... it's a BMI of 70 now. And I..."

Megan started laughing immensely. "Oh Amy. We have nothing to worry about." Amy looked over to her fat roommate an really took in her size. From top to bottom, her cheeks were now so fat that they closed her eyes when she smiled. Her double chin had evolved to becoming wider than her head is, with a triple chin forming below it. Her boobs were now some of the biggest she's ever seen in her life, but was nothing compared to her stomach, which was wide enough to sit two giant textbooks on with ease. Even Megan's fingers were now too fat to hold straight next to each other, each of them too fat at the base to move as much as a normal person's. And the oversized recliner her mom bought her for the living room in August? Megan's ass is just about too wide to fit into it. She thinks she's going to need to move to a love seat next year just to have somewhere comfortable to sit.

"Megan do you think..." Amy said shocked.

"Amy please. A BMI of 70 is..." Megan googled quickly on her phone and immediately laughed more. "410 pounds. Do I really look like a skinny 410 pound bitch to you?"

Megan finally stood up after taking a deep breath to show her enormous, 440 pound body in all of its glory. Her waist was too wide to get through some smaller doors, her thighs had more rolls than most fat people's stomach's when they sit down. Not to mention the whole ground shakes whenever she walks. Megan from a year ago would look skinny next to the new and improved fattened Megan Lisowski. And seeing her underwear, standing up or sitting down, was a distant memory, as any piece of clothing too short put on around her ass disappears in seconds.

"I take pride in my weight," Megan said sarcastically in a bitchy voice. "And I'm offended you think I am not fat enough to live here anymore."

Amy started laughing, "I'm sorry fatty. I don't know how I could've doubted you. Should we weigh you now just to be safe? It's been months," Amy said getting excited.

"I don't even need to check to know. But I'll call my doctor tomorrow to make an appointment. I'm sure he'll be shocked to see me."

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