Spring Break

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"Do you know your plan?" Amy asked sternly.

"McDonald's every night. Always ask for seconds. Keep all of my candy right by my bedside." Megan said with an almost proud tone.

"Good girl," said Amy, smiling. "I don't know what I'm gonna do this week without feeding you 18 hours a day."

"Uhh how about feed your boyfriend for a change!" Megan said chuckling.

"Girl... if I tried to get all feeder on John this week he'd probably explode. I'm too used to you actually being good at eating. He texted me today saying he's 10lbs down..." Amy had a sad look on her face.

"He's still sticking with that diet, huh?" Megan asked, knowing her best friend has been struggling in her relationship for a couple of months now.

"We'll see what happens this week girl. If I come back single, I'm sorry if I act like a bitch for awhile. I promise the feeding won't stop, but..." She trailed off.

"Girl he's still a good guy. If you're right for each other you're right... right?"

"He is a good guy but we've been having problems outside of the fetish. The distance sucks and he just is so damn focused on his internship that even when he's free he's not free. We haven't even FaceTimed in 2 weeks. I don't know if I miss him or if I'm done... anyway now's not the time for this. You packed the boxes of candy I gave you?" Amy said, wiping a tear from her eye.

"You're literally too good," Megan said with a smile. "I have all of the chocolate I could ever need... for a week." Megan picked up the two 30 pack variety packs of chocolate that Amy ordered for her a few days ago and put them in her suitcase. "I can't promise I can eat just as much as I have been bu-"

"You can do it," Amy said in support. "If you just get ridiculous at McDonald's you can make up all those calories. If you do it right, you might actually gain more week than normal next week. I'd kill to have a McDonald's on campus, then my job would be easy." Amy has said multiple times that the lack of fast food places on campus are the only big setback for feeding Megan. Thankfully however, the immense number of delivery places certainly make up for it.

"I can do it," repeated Megan. "I just don't know what I'm gonna do without my rock this week though. Can you not live 3 states away?"

"I don't want to! Connecticut sucks, there's literally nothing to do ever. But I'll be back in Penn before you know it, I promise. Are your parents still bringing you back on Saturday so we can have a welcome back feast?" Amy said with excited eyes.

"Of course they are. Even though the privacy sucks... I'd rather be here with you." Both the girls smiled.

"Before you go!!!! Weigh in!" Amy giddily grabbed the scale from her drawer and prepped the ritual. Megan strips down to her underwear and bra and eats a giant spoonful of ice cream 'for good luck'.

"I'm ready!" Megan said with ice cream dripping from her mouth. Just seeing Megan in nothing but a bra and underwear demonstrates how much her body has changed. Her back fat has gone from squishy flab to full on rolls that can be seen through almost any top she wears. Her arms, which have always been thick, are now turning into proper 'obese girl arms', with her upper arm fat starting to fall over her elbow. Her stomach now sticks out so far that her toes are a distant memory, and button-able pants need to be buttoned by touch, not sight. However, buttons seem to be a thing of the past for Megan, as she couldn't even button her largest, only remaining pair of jeans this morning. But since it was her only clean pants left, she opted to just let her fat keep the pants from falling down.

As for Megan's butt, it's beginning to become too big to fit certain places. Desks in certain classrooms on campus are not fat girl friendly, and her hips are getting too wide to sit in them properly. Just last week she started complaining about how her desk in Statistics "must have shrunk in the wash". But the most telling feature of her gain is her face, which alone must've gained 10 pounds. Her pleasantly plump double chin has started to get so fat her head and torso are merging into one, and her cheeks are so chunky that she can see them if she smiles. Something that Megan keeps insisting makes her cuter and cuter.

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