One Week Remains

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"Dude why is that there?" a kid in Megan's Statistics class asked his friend, pointing to a handicapped desk that was just brought into the classroom.

"Um I don't know Brett, probably for a handicapped kid?" his friend said snarkily.

"Okay no shit, but why would someone just become handicapped during the last week of classes? Unless someone actually got hit by a bus and got free tuition." The two guys laughed.

"Wait a second..." Brett's friend said slowly. His voice got quieter. "Yo do you think it's for that fat chick?"

"Oh fuck. Can you imagine?" Brett said.

"Well dude didn't you say she was in front of you when you were about to ask our Professor Roseberg about the review class?"

"Yeah that shit was crazy. Straight up just telling him that she got too fat for the desks and couldn't be in the class if that stayed that way. But that was a week ago, then she just didn't come to class on Tuesday."

"She's probably too busy sitting at the dining hall." The two guys snickered. "But what's with you keeping tabs on the fat girl so much, is there something you're not telling me?" Brett gave his friend an annoyed look.

"Okay if you're that fat I kind of can't ignore you. I feel like that girl gained 10 pounds every week, how do you get that fat that quick..." Brett's voice trailed off as Megan walked into the classroom, holding a bag containing two bowls of pasta and bread sticks in one hand and an extra large milkshake in the other.

"Thank god," Megan said quietly, but loud enough that the guys sitting in the second row heard her as she walked up to her handicapped desk. Quickly she doubled back and turned to Brett and his friend who were still whispering to each other. "Hey can you guys do me a favor and help me move this desk to the back of the room? Roseberg told me I can't eat unless I'm in the back but I gotta eat my lunch," Megan said, knowing in the back of her head that these guys had some sort of thought about her weight.

"Um, sure," Brett said as he hesitantly got up out of his seat. Despite Megan asking them to help, she essentially just made them move it for her as she kept sipping her milkshake, watching the guys carry it to the back of the room to an empty space. "Is this good for you?" Brett asked, making more eye contact with the milkshake in Megan's mouth than her eyes.

"Perfect, thank you so much!" she said as she put down her food and took her seat. Megan's Statistics class is one of the few classrooms in the school that use grade school-style desks with the chairs attached to the actual desk part. Unfortunately for her that meant that she had to watch the desk become tighter and tighter on her stomach until she legitimately could not last week. She spent the entire class with one fat roll from her stomach sitting on the desk top, not even able to eat her pasta because of how little she could move. But thankfully after a chat with her professor, he was reluctantly able to arrange the school bringing in an alternative desk, just so Megan could fit.

"Just so you know, if that girl has a heart attack now from eating all of that food, we're accomplices now," Brett said to his friend as they got back to their seats, snickering some more. Megan looked at them in the distance and rolled her eyes, knowing that for better or for worse, her size wowed them. And without any hesitation, she began digging into her first of many lunches for the day...

Spring has sprung at Northeastern Pennsylvania University after a cold second semester. Guys are playing Frisbee in the great lawn as girls lay down in the grass, but for Megan and Amy, their last weeks of the semester are being spent right where they started; in the dining hall.

"April 23rd Megan. One week left," Amy said as the girls sat down at the dining hall for Megan's second lunch. In front of her was an entire plate of chicken tenders and another plate just for fries, alongside a few burgers, some ribs, and some other random food Amy thought was fattening enough for Megan to eat. "I think we're finally getting back on track," Amy said with a determined tone. The last few weeks have been tough for the gaining duo. Megan lost nearly 5 pounds in a week (as opposed to gaining) after suffering from the flu, and her gain has been plateauing since then. But with one week out, Amy has been determined to ramp it up.

As Megan began to wrap up another hour long eating fest at the dining hall, she was taken aback to see Amy coming back with yet another plate of chicken tenders and another plate of fries. "Eat up girl!" she exclaimed.

"Girl I gotta get to class!" Megan said as Amy tried to shove a chicken tender down her fat friend's throat.

"There's gonna be plenty of time for classes next semester when we're living in Thill. But right now..." Megan reluctantly started eating more, not being able to resist the temptation of the fattening, greasy food right in front of her. " we need to get down to business," Amy said as she pulled out her 'FAT' notebook from her backpack. "Look at these numbers!" Amy pointed to the weight log she's been keeping for Megan this semester. "You catching the flu has slowed us down so much. You only gained 4 pounds between April 3rd and weigh in last week! And I haven't seen you rip any more clothes lately.. you're starting to look skinny..." Amy tauntingly said.

"Get me another bowl of ice cream and shut up," Megan said. Amy smiled proudly as she watched her thickening roommate eat right through her afternoon class.

"Okay girls, it's time. You've been here for three hours now, we gotta start cleaning for dinner." A fairly fat kitchen hand walked up to Megan and Amy in the practically empty dining hall, referencing the literal stacks of plates they've made stuffing Megan all afternoon. "You gals are using your tuition money well I see," she said, chuckling.

"Oh I'm sorry!" Amy exclaimed. "I'll uhh... clean these up now. Megan I'll be right back."

"Mmhmm," Megan said as she scraped the bottom of her bowl clean of her fourth and final bowl of ice cream.

"I don't know if I should be mad or impressed by how much of our food you can eat, hon," the kitchen hand said, already starting to wipe the table Megan was sitting at.

"I... love to eat?"

"Make that two of us, hon. I'm lucky I have to be on my feet all day or I would've put on even more weight after I started here. 40 pounds in a year, and I've been here for three now," the kitchen hand said, melancholily.

"Rookie numbers..." Megan sarcastically muttered to herself. "Yeah I wouldn't be able to control myself if I worked here. I'm glad I can eat all of your food all day! ...I guess." Megan is in love with her ability to gain weight and eat, until it comes to talking about it with a stranger. And then, like most feedees, she's lost.

"Clearly. Have a good day kids," the woman said as Amy walked back to the table to grab the second round of plates to bring to the dishwashing window.

"What was that about?" Amy asked, stacking ten plates together.

"Some lady is just jealous that I get to eat all day, basically." They both laughed. "Okay you bring those dishes back, I'm gonna focus on getting up..." Megan slowly pushed her body out from the chair, with so much food in her stomach she felt as if there was a giant boulder hanging from her torso. "Wow... so fat... so much food..." she said, panting to get up.

Amy came back a minute later and Megan finally found her balance on her legs. "Finally able to stand, fatty?" Amy taunted.

"I need to lay down. With some chips. Bring me food and bed please," Megan said, giggling. The girls, after over three hours, finally left the dining hall and made the arduous walk back to their dorm. A ten minute walk turned into thirty when walking with someone as fat and as full as Megan... and the detour to grab milkshakes certainly didn't help.

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