The Application

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"I cannot believe your dumb ass," Amy said with a groan.

"I'm sorry!" Megan said, still stuffing her face with chicken nuggets they picked up from McDonald's. "I really wanted the soda AND the milkshake and... I just lost my grip."

"That spill cost us $200. You're lucky that driver had leather seats or else it would've been a lot more." Amy took a deep breath, trying to calm down. "Okay... I shouldn't be mad... $200 is a small price to pay for getting a ride there and making sure you were as fat as you are... sorry."

"No you're right, I am a dumb ass!" Megan said friendlily. "At the very least I'm a bad fat girl. A real fat girl would never spill that much sugary soda goodness. I need to get better at being fat."

Amy smiled. "Well you're doing a good job, walking through campus eating those chicken nuggets as if they were potato chips. Speaking of which, you walk SO slowly now."

Megan rolled her eyes and smiled. "I weigh almost 200 pounds more than you do you bitch! You try carrying that around. I'm glad it's breezy out today or else I'd be in a sweat... thank god I can almost see the Residential Life sign." Residential Life was conveniently in the campus's student union. Although it was on the third floor, it had an elevator right next to it, something Megan nearly couldn't go upstairs without now.

"They better not give us a hard time for submitting this on the last day," Amy said.

"Well the deadline is April 30th. That's today! If they give us a hard time I have no problem venting about how I'm too fat to climb stairs. I'll vent about how this fat is gonna make it too hard to breathe without air conditioning. I have no shame anymore."

"And I love ya for it! Alright, up we go," Amy said, calling the elevator.

"Wait, what time is it now?" Megan asked. "Can we grab some food? The union cafeteria is right there. Maybe some pasta and meatballs, yum... oh wait I want pizza. Do you think they have meat lovers today? What about a basket of chicken ten-"

"Megan!" She snapped out of her food daydream. "You don't have to eat 24/7 anymore!" Amy said laughing.

"I knowwwwwww," Megan said whining. "But I want to! Okay... two milkshakes then?"

"Okay okay, let's go... but we need to make it quick. I'm only giving you a few minutes to slurp those down. Res Life closes at 3pm and I know for a fact the people there are lazy and close early a lot. So we have less than two hours to get up there."

"Oh please, you think it takes me two hours to drink a couple milkshakes. Look at me!" Megan shamelessly patted her oversized stomach, which was peaking out slightly from her top, with a muffin top making her look even wider than normal.

"I do know you in that if I let you eat all the other stuff you mentioned, we'd be sitting here for two hours until you couldn't take another bite."

"...okay fair," Megan said.

The girls walked over to the milkshake bar and Megan ordered her two favorites; one Oreo milkshake and one peanut butter milkshake. Not only were they her two favorites, but they were also two of the most caloric on the menu, perfect for their plan all semester. But luckily for Megan, drinking dozens of them per week didn't spoil the taste for her, and she was just as enthusiastic about taking her first sip now as she was her first week on campus, almost 160 pounds ago.

The girls sat and chatted for 20 minutes as Megan drank almost 2000 calories of ice cream on the spot. They reminisced about the last few months, but also about their first few weeks as roommates, and how their friendship grew so strongly over not only food, but helping each other with their problems. Especially how, according to Amy, Megan is one of the only people she thinks really listens to her problems and helps her overcome them. Which is a sign of stronger friendship than any amount of feeding can create.

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