One Month Down

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"Happy Leap Day!" shouted Amy as she walked back into the room after taking her morning run, waking a very hungover Megan up.

"Shoot me," Megan mumbled with the blanket over her head.

"I'm happy for all those alcohol calories you got girl, but being hungover isn't stopping you," Amy said with a bit of a condescending tone. Megan started drinking only a few weeks into college, but Amy has remained sober her entire life. Even though she's definitely not a partier, Megan still loves her monthly drunk parties with her high school friends.

"I drank the most sugary things I could get my hands on, I promise. Ugh, I think I ate half of the snacks and there was like 12 people there." Megan still had her head under the blanket.

"Proud of you," Amy said with her hand on her heart jokingly. "How was it though?"

"So much fun until Kara started puking. She tried doing 3 shots in a row and couldn't even make it to number two. And this was after we drank way too many margaritas... she's getting huge by the way." Amy's ears perked up at the topic switch.

"Oh really? Well you said she gained like 20 pounds last semester right?"

"Yeah it's weird seeing her with a belly. She's definitely put on even more too, and she ate almost a whole pizza by herself last night. She's not me or anything buuuuut I can't see her slowing down. She went from cheerleader to chubby real quick." Megan finally popped her eyes out from under her blanket. "Bring me snacks now please?" she asked with a smile.

Amy of course obliged happily, glad to see Megan wasn't too sick to eat. "So what did you eat last night?" the concerned feeder asked.

"Oh my god, okay so..." Megan scootched up a bit as she started eating the family sized bag of cool ranch Doritos she was handed. "Kara was gonna order from this pizza place so she took our orders and pretty much everyone agreed on getting like 5 pizzas to split. Then I asked for us to get a 6th meat lovers pizza for me right? I obviously didn't say I was gonna demolish the whole thing but they thought I meant just make one of the 5 pizzas a meat lovers. And when I said no Paul was like 'is that just for you then?' and I straight up said YES!" Amy smiled so big when Megan said that.

"Aww that's really-"

"No wait I'm not even close to being done. So I said yes proudly and was like 'oh and get me and order of cheesy bread too!' all excited because I was drunk and gave no shits. And Kara just laughed because she's a future fatty obviously. But then Paul commented on my weight gain and called it the elephant in the room. Then I was all like 'oh so you think I'm as big as an elephant now?' and everyone laughed and he just blushed. And then we just didn't return to the conversation but it was soooo funny."

"That's pretty funny girl," Amy said while folding some clothes. She was clearly not as interested in the story but truly was proud of Megan for embracing her gain so easily. "So are you really doing okay with the extra weight? I know it must be shocking for people to see you."

"Girl I thrive on people's eyes when the see me for the first time in awhile. They like do a double take and I love it. Because one, I love being fat and I love seeing people notice. And two, I love being a bitch if someone actually has the balls to bring it up... like Paul." Paul was Megan's on-again-off-again boyfriend last summer before Megan started school. He's a year younger than Megan but is still part of her main high school friend group. They weren't anything serious long enough for their group to be ruptured, but there still some awkward tension there.

"So how are you and Paul? Is it okay seeing him now?" Amy asked, back to being in caring friend mode after she realized she was sounding a bit standoff-ish.

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