The First Few Pounds

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Be-be-be-beep! Be-be-be-beep! Be-be-be-

"I hate school," Megan muttered as her arm swung out, turning off her alarm.

"But foooood!" Amy said in a sing-song voice, already dressed for the day.

"How long have you been up, sunshine?" Megan said as she started to get up out of bed.

"Ah-ah-ah! Wait a second chunky." Amy stopped Megan from getting up and handed her a leftover slice of pizza from the night before and a sleeve of Oreos. "Breakfast in bed! I mean, pre-breakfast in bed."

"I didn't finish the pizza last night?" Megan said, surprised. "I've been able to eat three a night no problem this whole week."

"You literally passed out with a slice in your hand, you don't remember? It was the fattest thing I've ever seen, I had to pry it out of your hands and put it in the fridge."

Megan laughed out loud thinking of how ridiculous she must've looked. "Well I guess I'm getting tired of eating all that pizza every night. Maybe we can do wings tonight, or buy me a cake from Wal-Mart?" Megan winked jokingly and yawned, still half asleep.

"Maybe both? I know it's only been 5 days but I feel like we need to see more progress. If you're falling asleep holding slices of pizza, I think that means you're already getting too comfortable with how much you're eating. We're ramping it up today," Amy said assertively.

Megan finished her slice of pizza and Oreos and just a few minutes. And even though she just ate about 800 calories, her stomach was now growling loudly, the food reminding her body how it wanted more food. "That's music to my ears. That little snack you just had would fill you up if you actually weighed what you were supposed to."

"I think I supposed to weigh exactly what I weigh now thank you very much. No. Wait! I'm supposed to weigh 350 pounds, duh." Megan proudly patted her stomach as she undressed herself, taking off her pajama shorts and throwing on a pair of sweat pants. It was still the end of January, and dressing warm was a must in eastern Pennsylvania. But as she threw on her long sleeved shirt, Megan hesitantly said, "hey... Amy?"

"Yeah girl? Are you o-my god." Amy's jaw dropped to the ground as she looked at Megan.

"I think there was one part of this we didn't quite think through..." Megan said with a smirk on her face as she held her stomach that was bursting out of her shirt from the belly button down. "I got this shirt for Christmas, Amy."

"Okay... well I guess you're making more progress than I gave you credit for. But wait... was it like... tight when you got it?"

"It definitely could've fit better, but it definitely wasn't a crop top when I tried it on last month." They both laughed. "But I really should've returned it for the next size up when I had the chance. Silly me acting like I wasn't going to get fatter this semester. But still... wasn't expecting this."

Instead of taking off the shirt and finding another one, she simply grabbed the biggest sweatshirt she could find and threw it on top. "This will have to do, right?"

"You look cozy!" Amy exclaimed. "Now we're wasting time, it's breakfast time!" The girls walked downstairs, backpacks and winter coats on at 7:45am, Megan ready to eat enough food to last most people two whole days, Amy ready to make sure she eats three whole days worth.

The girls both sat down at the dining hall and put their bags down. The plan that has been working so far was simple; Megan grabs a full plate of food, Amy grabs a full plate of food. Megan eats her food, Megan eats Amy's food. Repeat until Megan can barely walk. Then Amy grabs a banana for herself and is on her way. Today on the menu was french toast, bacon, potato pancakes, and cheesy scrambled eggs. Once Megan loaded up her heaping plate, she sat down with Amy, who had her seconds ready to go.

"You know..." Megan said with her mouth full. "I can really get used to this. Like I see these news specials about girls who get fed up by their husbands until they're 800 pounds. How isn't everyone jealous of them?" Megan was holding a bacon strip in one hand and a fork full of syrupy french toast in the other, almost like she was having too hard of a time deciding what she wanted to shove down her throat first.

"If I had it my way," Megan continued, "everyone would be fat. Who wouldn't enjoy this?!" Her voice was getting slightly louder, enough so that the girls at the table next to them looked over and giggled.

"You're totally gonna be known as the crazy fat girl, you know that right?" Amy said with a smile.

"I AM the crazy fat girl. Just wait until those skinny bitches see me in 3 months." Despite being hesitant at first, Megan was on board, almost too much on board, with the idea of becoming huge. At this point, however, no one knows whether it's for the single room or for the sake of being as fat as she wants.

As plate one turned to plate two, to three... all the way to four, Megan was finally finished with her breakfast after a straight 50 pounds of eating. "I guess it's time to walk," Megan groaned. As her and Amy looked around, the crowd of people around them was completely different than when they came in, as Megan spent nearly three times longer eating in the dining hall than any of her peers.

Before Amy could even open her mouth as they walked out of the dining hall, Megan pulled a lollipop out of her backpack for her walk to class. "I'm so proud I could shed a tear," Amy said to Megan as Megan smiled proudly.

"What can I say, I'm a fast learner... if I was able to learn this well in my classes I'd be a straight A student."

"If it's any consolation, you're definitely getting an A in feederism," Amy said proudly.

"Speaking of feeding... did you even eat?" Megan asked, worryingly.

"I stole a bacon strip off your plate... and I had that soda. But I guess I was too distracted by the main act. It's okay though, I'll eat after class. Speaking of which..."

"I'm going straight to the Union to grab some pasta and a milkshake so I can eat them in class." Megan jokingly saluted to Amy as she laughed. "I'm already down to like 350 NEP Bucks by the way. You're either going to have to start helping me out or I'm gonna have to lie to my poor mom that prices are so high that I need more." With her new diet, Megan is spending roughly 30 Bucks a day at their Union. The school usually figures that students sometimes use their NEP Bucks as an alternative some days for dining hall meals, not in addition to it.

"Whatever you need girl, I got you. I had like 200 leftover last year, remember?"

"Remember how you had like 300 leftover before you told me two days before the semester ended?" Megan asked, fondly remembering all of the ice cream and milkshakes she ate and drank using Amy's NEP Bucks during finals week last semester.

"That's how I knew you'd be ready for all of this," Amy said. "Well I mean... that and you just being a fat ass in general." The girls both laughed.

Amy and Megan said their goodbyes at the Union as Megan ordered her food. Amy walked one way to her class as Megan slowly walked to hers, all of the food in her stomach really weighing her down. But as she finally made it to her seat for the hour long lecture that was upon her, all she could think about was how excited she was to eat more food. And even though she was stuffed, within 5 minutes of the professor speaking, Megan cracked open her pasta bowl and began eating.

And soon after, with 20 minutes still left in the class, all of the pasta and milkshake was already gone. "Oh my... god..." Megan whispered to herself. It slowly started hitting the fat teenager that her eating habits were in fact growing, and growing rapidly at that. Just a couple of days ago she could barely finish her classroom milkshakes, but now she craved more.

Giddily and nervously, Megan whipped out her phone and texted Amy. "Just finished my pasta and milkshake. I WANT MORE!! I'm doing it!!!!" Megan was so excited to text her friend about how proud she was at herself that she didn't even notice until looking down at her phone that, for the entire lecture, her stomach was sticking out of what used to be her biggest, loosest sweatshirt.

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