Change (Part Two)

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Both Megan and Amy sat in Megan's bed, pizza boxes between them, all night long. The two girls (but mostly Megan) stuffed themselves and drank themselves silly, acting nostalgic and remembering how much has changed over the last year, and even over the last couple of months.

"I still can't believe you're over 300 pounds," Amy said, eating her fourth slice of pizza, a ton of pizza for her standards.

"I can't either," Megan said as sauce dripped down from her mouth onto her tight t-shirt. "I don't even care, this shirt will be in the trash in a week." The two girls laughed. "But yeah sometimes I legit just forget how huge I am. My belly is almost touching the steering wheel of my car... I might outgrow it before the next time I get to drive it."

"Can you imagine how much fatter you'd be if we were allowed to have a car on campus?" Amy fantasized.

"Don't worry, we have plentyyyyy of years for that," Megan said in a singsong voice.

"So Megan... do you know when you want to, like, stop?" Amy said more seriously, taking a sip of her orange juice/vodka, though it was mostly just juice.

"Okay so like... okay I was thinking about this a lot last week. Stuffing myself silly at McDonald's every night, looking forward to coming back here just to drown in pizza and dining hall food every night... it's not getting old. I love it," Megan said with a big smile on her face. "Even walking to class and shoving food down my throat at the same time is fun now. Like I don't want to aggressively do this anymore after we get our apartment but..."

"But what?" Amy said in a concerned voice.

"I want to keep growing... 350 pounds is huge, don't get me wrong, but... I don't know. There's so many models you can find online that are literally like 600 pounds and it's... they're hot Amy. They look beautiful."

Amy's eyes widened when Megan said 600 pounds. "That's a big number girl!" she said with a chuckle.

"Do you think it's too much? I feel big right now but at this point if I stayed this size for a month I think I would feel like a mouse. And like I'll be honest, I can't stop eating this much food anymore. I wouldn't be able to do it. I'm an addict and I'm so happy about it, I'll admit it."

Megan's face couldn't decide if it wanted to look sad, excited, or worried and was currently showing a mix of all three emotions. Amy quickly interjected, "Megan, Megan, don't worry! I really hope I don't have my judgy, bitchy look on. I'm honestly... proud of you right now. You've been blowing up like a balloon and you still want to get bigger and bigger? I'm not gonna lie, that's the best accomplishment a feeder could ever have so I'll pat myself right on the back." Amy condescendingly pat herself on the back as Megan chuckled and ate another giant slice of pizza.

"I just can't imagine not eating like this. But at the same time, I can't imagine what it's gonna be like if I was like... double the size I am now. I couldn't even make it up the stairs a couple hours ago!"

"Megan there are so many fat asses in the world. Much fatter than you are. This country is literally built for people too wide to fit through doors in other countries. Elevators exist for a reason. Plus the fatter you get, the easier it is to get people to do stuff for you. Personally that sounds like a dream come true," Amy said, starting to want to convince her roommate.

"Oh my god I'm gonna sound so fat right now," Megan said starting to laugh. "But my life goal is to never have to climb another stair in my life. Literally the second elevators and escalators were invented, every single staircase should've been demolished. Even the Lincoln Memorial, I'd visit that shit if I could actually get to the top without having a heart attack," Megan said, still laughing and chewing a slice of pizza.

"How drunk are you girl?" Amy said, also laughing.

"Just enough to be HONEST." Megan reached as far as she could to grab a box of cheesy bread but it was just out of reach. "Here's what else I need. One of those mechanical arms to grab stuff so I don't need to get up. I shouldn't have to waste energy to get something I can literally see with my eyes."

"Wow you're turning into the fat person of my wildest dreams," Amy said in a fake judging tone.

"Yeah well just wait until we're seniors and you need to cater to my every fat whim when it literally takes me 5 minutes to get out of a chair," Megan said half jokingly.

"Okay but... I'm not forcing you into any of this right? Like I know you like eating but I feel like if it wasn't for me you wouldn't be sitting here weighing over 300 pounds with four pizzas in your stomach." Amy's voice started to quiver a bit.

"Amy listen... of course I wouldn't be. But I would want to! It's because of you and your awesome feederness that I'm 300 pounds, just ate four pizzas, and am happier than I've ever been in my life. I told you I was gonna weigh this eventually and I stand by that. And I'm happier that it's now with you so we can actually spend college next year living like we're rich, rather than slowly get this fat in cramped dorms. And who knows, I might be begging you to help me reach 600 pounds after this is all over!" Megan said with an ambitious look on her face.

"Well... okay we just need to focus on getting you to 350 pounds first. That cheesy bread isn't going to eat itself, Megan." Amy said sternly.

"There she is! I thought you were getting soft on me Amy," Megan said as she didn't hesitate to take a giant bite out of her bread.

"I AM getting a little soft at you. I ate four fucking slices tonight," Amy said as she grabbed her chubby stomach. "I binge ate this whole week. I couldn't tell if I was sad about John or if I just missed seeing you eat a mountain every meal."

"Oh please Amy, you've been the same weight since I met you. I don't think it's even possible for you to have anything but a pudgy tummy... mainly because I eat all of your food before you get a a chance to." The girls both laughed as Megan continued to stuff herself with the rest of the food Amy bought for her best friend.

The night winded down shortly after Megan took her last bite and had one more swig of her mixed drink. Both Megan and Amy passed out before 11:00 PM tipsy and full. Megan was so happy to finally be back to doing what she loved more than anything, but Amy was still feeling pensive and didn't fall asleep until 2:00 AM that night. Between the breakup, feeling fat for the first time in her life, and the overwhelming realization that she created a gaining monster, her emotions were all over the place.

After a rough night's sleep, Amy woke up at 5:00 AM and looked over at Megan, who was passed out with one hand holding an oreo, the other hand holding a half-empty package. "That fat ass must've still been hungry," Amy muttered proudly. As she grabbed her running shoes and put on her shorts, she looked over at the giant pile of outgrown clothes next to Megan's dresser and smiled. "I AM proud," she said quietly to herself, suddenly feeling much better about not only Megan's gain, but their entire friendship. Between her trust issues with her family and her ex-boyfriend, Amy is still apprehensive to realize that Megan truly does want to be as fat as she's gotten. But after taking in the sheer amount of clothes she had to give up in the name of fat, it sort of just hit Amy that they were doing the right thing.

That morning Amy ran an extra mile and still made it back in time to help Megan eat the thousands of calories she is used to for breakfast.

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