. 1: Attic: Scott .

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It was a normal time in the Attic, everyone was asleep, I awoke first to a noise, I think it was me falling off my bed, other than that, normal.


Scott: What the f- no swearing Scott! Jeez.

I, the little farmer rat, not very little to the other rats besides Owen and Jimmy, crept closer to the sound as it continued to happen, I made it Ito the- uhhhh- door? Hatchet? Trap door? Attic door thing, yeah Attic door thing, to discover the noise was coming from bellow it, it was like a bird who kept flying into glass, the door fell down straining light from bellow upwards, I squeak a chirp like squeak even though I wasn't hurt, I ran for cover as a hand grabbed the ledge of the door thingy, the human peak it's head over, it's lips moved as I attempted to lip read, it was something along the line of 'This place is absolutely drenched in dust!' Which was probably right, the door close back up slowly as footsteps retreated.

Scott: My oh my was that CLOSE !

Scott: Eh, I could explore a bittt, nah I'll get caught.

Scott: Hmmmm, I'll tend to my crops!

I said joyfully, I loved my crops! Really loved them. I hopped on over the hedge to my minimal crops I had and danced around and through them, taking out ones that were ready and watering ones that weren't, I stopped after awhile getting bored, it was turning night.

I passed through Sniff's house, who seen me coming through but didn't really care, and hopped onto the ledge to watch the stars. I couldn't really sleep much since the incident, I forgave Tubbo but it was traumatic, I almost died at the edge, almost was murdered by a cannibal, if I didn't escape then, I would've broken my legs or died, neither one I liked, I took a deep breath in and then out, before a familiar voice came from behind me.

Tubbo: What ya doing fellow rat?

Scott: Oh, just watch the stars

Tubbo: My brain still doesn't have enough sodium to comprehend it into life,

Scott: Depressing,

I said looking to the fields of wheet, a sigh of despair released from my mouth as Tubbo approached the fence thing and sat next to we're I was,

Tubbo: Rat Scott is something wrong.

Scott: No, everything's fineee

Tubbo: You sound depressed, uncomfortable, stressed, tired and depressed again if they were all one emotion.

Scott: -Soft Chuckle- Everything's fine, I just miss the fields.

Tubbo: Fair enough, but you need sleep.

Scott: Wha?

Tubbo: You're clearly deprived of sleep, so go sleep.

Scott: I'm fine Tubbo-

Tubbo: You're clearly not!

He said in a snappy manor as he grabbed my wrist and attemptively dragged me with somewhat success through Sniff's home, into the Attic, to my house, through my house, into my bedroom.

Tubbo: Sleep!

Scott: Im fine! I don't need sleep!

Tubbo: Don't make me wake Owen.

Scott: F- fine!

Tubbo: Yay! I promise I won't watch you sleep now!

Scott: I- wha????- WHAT????-

I sat up brushing the now collected dust off my overalls and then lifted the covers of my bed snuggling underneath them.

A couple hours later I could hear and smell other Rats coming, around four, they were all whispering, it took awhile for them to arrive but after a bit, I felt a warm presence form behind my back as the whispering voices faded far away, me and the body were as still as a rock, until the overcoming sense of coldness took over harshly like a meteorite hitting the earth, I spun and burrowed my body into theirs.

Owen: Scott!?!? What the hell!?!?

My face lit up in blush as I heard his voice, Owens.

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