. 18: Attic: Owen .

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This, is practically a part two to chapter 17, but who cares, chapter 18 it is!

Also again I apologise for the chapter before this it was chaotic.

TW!: Definition of a panic attack! (I guess... even though Tubbrat is having a mental break down)

Krow: For cheesus crisp Owen listen!
Owen: Ok! Fine! What is it Krow!?
Krow: Tubbo is having a mental breakdown! And with you and Scott being somewhat fathers to him we thought you can help! Scott's already there!
Owen: Alright! Where is it.
Krow: Finally! Follow me!

Krow led me to a corner of the attic, a secluded one, once I spotted Scott and Tubbo I pushed through the others, getting to them quicker.

Tubbo wasn't the best in state... as known.
He was pulling on his hair so hard it looked like he was going to rip it off! His knuckles were white too.
Even though he was curled into a ball, you could tell he wasn't breathing properly.
Which wasn't helped by how much he was crying.
It looked like he was shaking, only lightly.
Sweat beads dripped down the only visible part of his head.
So he was having a mental breakdown and panic attack. Poor Tubbo.

Scott: Everyone, leave.
Lizzie: What?-
Scott: Leave. Don't make me repeat.

I'm scared of Scott, the rat is well, optimistic and happy, but at the same time can just shut down, and then again, go from just, happy let's say, to 'leave right the hell now.' He scares me for that... the sounds of rats slowly walking away we're heard, Tubbo still- there.

Once they were gone. It was time to calm him down. I took a breath, this will be hard...

Scott: Hey Tubbo can you try and match my breathing please?

This is the mood swing I was talking about, Tubbo tried to reply, but only making his breathlessness worse.

Owen: Hey, there's no need to speak, just try to match Scott's breathing yeah?

He somehow, nodded. Scott took slow breaths, Tubbo trying to follow.

Tubbo: I- I c- can't d- do it-
Scott: No, you got this Tubbo. I believe in you. We both do, just believe in yourself.
Tubbo: I- I- ca- can't-
Owen: Try counting, we'll stay for however long it takes for you to, I guess stop having your- panic breakdown.

Scott chuckled, I could just see Tubbo smile.

Scott: You know what? Let's do the 5-5-5 rule.
Owen: 5-5-5 rule?
Scott: Yup.
Scott: Tubbo, can you take a breath until I say stop please?

He attempted to nodded, slight uncurling himself, I began taking a breath. One second, two seconds, three seconds, four seconds, five seconds-

Scott: Stop!
Scott: Now hold it.

He did so, repeating the 5 second thing.

Scott: Stop!
Scott: Release.

Ah, 5-5-5 rule, 5 second in, 5 second hold, 5 second out. I'll keep that in mind.
They repeated the rule a couple times, in a attempt to calm him down, it was working!

Scott: Alright! Your doing so well Tubbo! Now, can you try and match my breathing?

Tubbo nodded, slowing his breathing down, he watched Scott's chest rise and fall, trying to repeat the pattern.

Tubbo has actually calmed down. Quite well.

Scott: 3-3-3 rule Owen?
Owen: Oh yes right-
Tubbo: The what?
Owen: 3-3-3 rule, now.
Owen: Can you name three things you can see Tubbo?
Tubbo: uhhh yeah, that cabinet by there, you two, those shelves...
Owen: Alright, three things you can hear.
Tubbo: UhhHhhHhH-
Tubbo: Rats faintly talking in the distance, the wind, uhhhhh- what was you two talking.
Owen: Ok! Now, can you move your ankle for me?
Tubbo: Yeah-

Tubbo moved his foot into a visible position and moved his ankle in a circle motion.

Owen: Alright, you can stop,
Owen: Now, can you move your arm?

Tubbo did so, moving his arm up and down slowly.

Owen: ok, you can stop, now, you may move your leg or fingers, or wrist.

Tubbo waved his fingers, one at a time they went up, one at a time they went down, like a wave in a river.

Owen: Thanks Tubbo, you can stop.
Tubbo: What was that even for?
Owen: To check that your aware I guess.
Tubbo: Ohhhh- 

Tubbo sat up fully, sitting down on the floor now, just like me and Scott.

Tubbo: Quick request, can you two move closer together?
Scott: Yeah sure.

I was going to move to Scott, but he made it to me quicker. He sat down next to me, our body's barely touching.

Tubbo jumped into us, his arms wrapping around both of us, pulling me and Scott closer. Tubbo sat there, hugging us, and crying into our clothes. Scott leaned his head on my shoulder, I flinched, not expecting it... Scott looked away guilty, aw blink I've upset him... I used my paw, somehow, to gently rest Scott he'd back onto my shoulder, he accepted, his good arm wrapped around Tubbo, pulling him in, his tail wrapping around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I softened into the hug, one of my arms wrapping around Tubbo, the other around Scott. We where there for what seemed like forever, but haven't moved. We were just, there. Enjoy each other, I enjoyed Scott's warmth to be honest... but Tubbo was, on the verge of having another panic attack so, I just sat there. I eventually let my head rest onto Scott's head, who I realised, was now sleeping, his breaths barely hearable, but just hearable enough for me. I let myself rest.

Again, falling asleep on Scott...

What is it with me and Scott?


Do I actually kind of like him now?

Or am I just realising?

That bold up there wasn't me, it was Owen, just his text bold. Anyways,

Have an amazing rest of your time! You fantastic fellow!

Now, go sleep, no I don't care if you just woke up, if it's the middle of the day, or you have something to do. Sleep, unless it's important get that done THEN asleep. You matter! Unless you run at the speed of sound... then you energy.

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