.29: Attic: Scott.

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'...ow-' I muttered quietly to myself, pulling my hat down over my face to block out the blinding light along with closing my eyes.
"Scott?" Someone peeped, a familiar voice. I would've shot up to a sitting position if my body didn't ache, I knew who that was...
'Owen..?' I murmured, slowly bring myself up- my back pressed against the coolness of a solid object, I felt my hat fell into my lap because of the action. My eyes hadn't opened yet, they refused to open.
"Hey- take it easy." Owen said, his voice closer that before. A paw was placed on my shoulder, Owen's.

I only gave a soft groan in response, I was torn between fighting to stay awake or accepting the bliss of passing out. My body was ripped in aches, it would leave me immovable and bedridden if I weren't so stubborn. Inhale, exhale... that's all... just forget the problems exist, as simple as that... inhale, exhale... just move—

"Scott? Hello? Are you with me?" Owen's voice split through my thoughts.
'Uh... yeah.' I responded, managing to open my eyes by a sliver.
"Okay, good. Stay here, alright?" Owen said, there was the firmness in his tone- he knew I'd move...
'Okay...' I murmured with a sigh.

My eyes peeled open only to see Owen walking away. I sunk back down on my bed, placing my hat over my face again. Everything hurt- everything. My limbs, joints, muscles, bones. The reason why was hard to know, the only thing known is that there's a lot of pain right now- and I'm going to pass out. I shut my eyes again, trying to let my conscious thoughts drift away to no use. I was restless yet drained.

"Scott!" Someone snapped, I shot up in surprise. My hat falling into my lap again.
"Oh uh— sorry?" They said, it wasn't Owen... Bek?
"You zoned out for a good few minutes there." Bek said, I turned my head to look at her, still in a mild daze.
"We thought you were dead!" Someone chimmed... Tubbo?
"Tubbo! Shush!" Bek hissed at him.
"Both of you quiet down please..." Owen said with a sigh. Bek stepped aside. Owen placed a glass of water on the bedside table. "Are you alright?" He asked. I only blinked, his voice stuck in my throat.
"...Scott?" Owen asked again, his brows furrowed down in concern. I simply nodded.
"No you're not." Owen said firmly.

I looked away- of course he knew... he'd always know if I lied. Owen turned my head to face him again, his paws on my cheeks. I... my face felt hot.

"Are you two going to kiss?" Tubbo asked.
"TUUUBBO!" Bek exclaimed, hitting his head.
"Ow-! What?! They look like it!!" Tubbo exclaimed, his ears flattened slightly.
"You honestly have no filter..." Bek sighed before walking out the room. Tubbo stayed behind.
"...sooooo???" Tubbo pried.
'Tubbo, no.' I managed to mumble.
Tubbo only shrugged. "Whatever you say, lovebirds!"

I let out a sigh of relief, Owen stepped back, his paws at his sides again. There was silence for a few seconds, a long, drawn out, uncomfortable, silence.

"I made you a hot chocolate..." Owen piped up, pointing to the cup on the table.
'Ah... thanks.' I said, holding my voice above a murmur for once.

Owen left, leaving me alone yet again. Alone with the silence, and the hot chocolate. Well... what an involuntary break.

(Apologies for The sHort chaptEr! I'm working harD to Actually wriTe somE chapters. Writers block is a horrid thing, and I've been Fairly busy- especIally with lore aNd stuff. But, Don't worry! CHapters are In proceSs! And the Joint prOject of the Incredibly, totally finished planning of UNus Annus is still being workshoppeD... bAdly, we need ideas for The days, thEre's 365 after all. (HINT HINT OWEN.) But, that's that. I hope to get back into writing some more :])

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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