.23: Outside: Owen . (parT 3)

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Also sorry I haven't uploaded in awhile :)

It was an awkward silence that me and Scott were walking at, Tubbo and Bek chatting quietly in front of us. It was taking forever to get wherever we're going, like, forever. The two sped ahead leaving me and Scott in our own bubble of silence.

Scott: So- uhm- how're you?
Owen: I'm fine...? You?
Scott: Fine somewhat,
Owen: ...
Scott: ...
Owen: This is awkward.
Scott: Yeah very.

We returned to silence, awkward silence, again.

Scott: I'm sorry about earlier-
Owen: It's fine-!
Scott: Still I'm very sorry! I didn't mean todothat you just kindawalked into me but I'm sosorry likeholyratusimverysorryowenididn'tmeantodoitithinkwewalkedintoeachotherimsososososorry!
Owen: ...It's fine...?
Scott: I over-talked didn't I?
Owen: Yeah-
Scott: Uhm...sorry...?
Owen: It's fine Scott, really.
Scott: Yeah, okay...

'And there he goes overthinking it...' My mind said, I sighed. 'How do I not let him overthink? I need to distract him, but how? ' I pondered, no one will see... right? Yeah, no one. I stepped closer to Scott slowly, he didn't notice, I grasped his hand, intertwining his fingers with mine. He lightly gasped, surprised at my move probably. I quietly chuckled, a pink dust hazed his face, I was probably blushing too. He looked at the floor, but tightened his grip on my hand, I smiled and continued walking forwards.


After what was probably hours, we made it to our final location I believe, it was the beach, and the scenery was amazing, it was sunset now, so the pinks reds and oranges, along with the suns yellow, reflected in the clear water. The white sand gently blowing away, and the trees swaying in the breeze. It was almost as beautiful as Scott, wait-? NONONO I DIDN'T SAY THST. Okay... anyways. Tubbo and Bek lead us to a picnic blanket, we sat down on it and the two ran away.

After things bc I'm dying here.

I sat next to Scott, he leaned his head on my shoulder, I wrapped my arm around him, platonically.

Scott: The view is nice, isn't it?
Owen: Yeah, very nice...
Scott: Is something wrong Owen?
Owen: No, it's fine.
Scott: You sure? You sound sad.
Owen: I'm fine.

Scott looked at me, debating if I was telling the truth, I gave him a reassuring smile the best I could, he nodded. I looked back out to the sea, how I wish this could last longer.

FImALLy! Iit's done! I hope you enjoyed this somewhat short like Tubbo chapter! It took me awhile sadly. Bye bye! <3

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