. 1: Part2: Attic: Owen .

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Continued from last part...

Also short (?)

Owen: Scott!!!! What the hell!!!!

Scott's face lit up in blush, from what I could see, my face lit up in blush to, Scott rolled of to the edge of the single bed, almost falling off, confusion and embarrassment flooded through the two of them.


Owen: I DON'T KNOW!!!

The shouting wasn't too loud, but loud enough to wake anyone close to the area, I threw the covers off and left, probably as quickly as I came, I exited Scott's house and headed home, after awhile of talking Tubbo eventually owed up to it, he and two others, with a lot of trouble, got me there, apparently by a dare.

I decided to go explore,maybe I could find something for Scott, as an apology of course! and so I set set of out towards the entrance and exit hole, clambering down the stairs and out the bathroom, shall I go to the maids (emo ritual girls) room? Yes I should, I could find some flowers for Scott! I walked down the hallway past the "plentiful" amount of doors to we're the maids room was.

Because I'm losing motivation I'll skip the adventure part, but I can say, Owen almost go caught, twice.

Alliums, Check! Tulips, Check! A random cool looking feather, Check! Seeds, Check! The pink tipped Daisy, Checkkk! Now to give them to Scott! I russed into the bathroom, under the bath and up the stairs, eventually trotting off the Scott who was tending to his crops.

Owen: Scotttt-

Scott: Yeahh?

Owen: I got you somethingsss

Scott: Oh cool! Like what?

Owen: Come see!

The farmer rat hopped over his hedge that was protecting his farm.

Owen: Here! These are for you!

I handed him the flowers and feather

Scott: This is so kind! Thank you! But why?

Owen: It's kind of a sorry for what happened earlier- Tubbo had a dare to do that.

Scott: Oh! It wasn't really needed though.

Owen: Yeahh but I thought you would like them anyways,

Scott: Again, thank you.

With that we separated, I trotted off home, both of us pretending the bed incident never happened.

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