. 13: Attic: Owen .

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Short chapter
Hajahjjja I'm dead in every way.

It's been a couple hours since Scott's breakdown. Trauma really hates him these days. Everyone was awaiting Scott. I passed back and forth, I was worried for him: he was my best friend anyway. I think everyone thought that now. Tubbo sighed as another hour passed.

Tubbo: Someone should go check on him.
Lizzie: Yeah- judging by how he literally almost destroyed everything in his house- who knows what he's doing right now.
Owen: I'll go see,
Jimmy: Yeah go ahead. Don't die in the process, or do. I don't mind.
Lizzie: Seriously Jimmy?
Jimmy: Whattt? Just saying'

I walked away from everyone, walking to Shubble's house. Entering and walking to the room he was in. Knocking on his door, nothing. I entered. Scott was curled up against hisself, I walked over to him, pulling him into a hug. Which he accepted, that was good at least.

Owen: You alright?
Scott: Yes and no

Scott's voice was barely even a whisper. I sigh, looked like his explaining was for another day. He pulled me in closer.

Scott: C- can I sleep with you t- tonight?
Owen: Sure. I just need to bring you to your house

Scott nodded weakly. I picked him up bridal style, his arms immediately wrapping around my neck. He buried his face into my chest. I chuckled. Walking out of Shubble's house, I headed for Scott's house instead. Eventually I made it. Placing him down in his bed. I patted him before retreating to the others.

Tubbo: So?
Owen: Scott's not in the best state, we'll have to do it another day.

Tubbo nodded his head. The others getting up and dispersing. I walked back over to Scott's. Entering his house, finding then entering his room. Scott was already out. I slipped under the covers and drifting asleep.

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