. 19: Attic: Tubbo .

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First, Happy new year!



Hi there :)

Have you slept?

If no, go get your sleep.

I'm not asking, I'm telling.

Unless you have something important to do! Do that then sleep.

Because you don't want to become my sleep deprived self! So, go do that.

Rather take a nap or just sleep. Go.

Or not! I'm not really forcing!

Now, if you're still here.

Be prepared to read my tired mess!

Turns out this'll be written tomorrow,

Love you platonically!

Bye byeeee!

I'm back. To existing I've arisen. Now for fluff bc we've had our farmer rat have a lot of trauma and have given Tubbrat a mental breakdown panic attack thing. But take in mind there will be trauma coming, I've let some go b Aeor decided to say 'F you' and lock me outside, don't worry I'm inside now, and living.

OH YEAH- I have a Jurassic park/world thing to do! So this might or might not be short! It depends since the things I write first are long... but hell I'm excited!

I guess you could say, a lot of trauma has gone around here lately, mostly for Scott, which is concerning, because things you do in the past can come back to bite you, maybe he did something to something someone like or wanted? Or worse, did something to someone. But, I can't just assume now, it could just be a local round of trauma- I don't know I'm not good in this kind of stuff! Maybe I can ask him... No! Don't do that! Nu uh! Why would that even be plausible?! I mean... I can bring it up to Owen and all, then we can both ask Scott! Or... I can just wait for a time when he'll crack. Or force him! Eh, he's done nice things for me after I've almost killed him twice and given him trauma... maybe no forcing... bummer. Oh well, anyways! Lizzie wanted all of us to meet up, I wonder why? I slipped into my jacket and walked to the meeting place I forgot the name of! From where I was approaching I was the last one there...  but eh who cares? I took the first empty seat I found that was, suitable for me, which was next to Scott and Owen, both on my right, the very edge of the row! And next to them, what a miracle! Lizzie was in front of every rat here.

Lizzie: Now that everyone's here! I have something nice to say!
Lizzie: Due to complications I couldn't do it to the best of my ability...

She looked right at Scott, and that- thing around his arm.

Lizzie: But... I made hot chocolate!!!! Who wants some?

Also everyone jumped out of there seats, I say almost, because Scott stood up, but didn't move. Lizzie passed a hot chocolate to me, giving me a heartfelt smile, I smiled back. I took the cup and went to Scott.

Tubbo: You alright Scott?
Scott: Yeah fine, had one earlier.
Tubbo: Ah, makes sense.

I took a sip of my hot chocolate, being indulged into it's flavour. It was DELICIOUS! Better than the tastiest rat I've ever- well- you know. Eaten. Like- as in eat eat, this hot chocolate was better than those rat pups... but me and Shubble were starving sooooooo- it's fine, no need to go back to that situation.

Scott: I'm guessing you like it huh?
Tubbo: Yes. It's amazing! Better than the rats that were- ya know.
Scott: Yup- I know Tubbo, I never wanted to but I know.
Tubbo: Who told you anyways?
Scott: I'll keep that information until the rat actually says it to you and Shubble.
Tubbo: But ScoTttTttTtTt-
Scott: No Tubbo,
Tubbo: PleasEeeEeEeeE?
Scott: No,
Tubbo: Fine.

I took the last sip of my hot chocolate, giving the cup back to Lizzie.

Tubbo: How're you coping since the boiler, kind, detonated?
Tubbo: Scott? Answer?
Scott: I'm fine, I'm fine. So fine I guess...

He mumbled something under his breath, I don't know what but eh.

Tubbo: So, how's the hot chocolate you had?
Scott: I- uh- I- f- It- erm-
Scott: It was nice, sorry about that kind of shut down...
Tubbo: That's fine! It happens to me!

It doesn't, it definitely doesn't. I don't stutter like that when asked a simple question, yes I can stutter but. Not that much. So,

Something going on with Scott.



Your welcome for the chapter!

Now sleep, if you need it. I won't force ya!

Love ya platonically! Bye bye!

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