. 5: Attic: Owen .

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A, I mean a vote has been delivered! It was A, of course the next chapter will be of the next vote which will appear at the end of this, anyhow, ta ta! Cant spoil much can I? But angst because it need out of my veins

An ordinary morning, I got up, went out of my house, explored, got caught but saved by Scott, very much normal, until we got back up to the Attic,

Jimmy: Well well well, look who we have here!
Jimmy: It's the farmer brat who is a whimp, and his boyfriend who'll probably break up with him!
I scoffed and ignored him, Scott pre decided that today,
Jimmy: Awee! Look at them! Walking off pretending there troubles aren't even there,
We kept walking, and walking Jimmy still bothering us,
Scott: Ok Jimmy that's enough!
Scott twirled around to face him,
Jimmy: Is it nowwwww~

It's a draggy ~ again!

Scott: Yes. Now let us go,
Jimmy: Not until I can claim you myself Scott~
We going back to the past Jimmy, (I think he's possessed) - The Messenger Magpie
Owen: Blast from the past Jimmy? Really?
Jimmy: Yes yes, now Owen, let us fight for him now~
Owen: What?
I stared Jimmy down Jimmy staring right back,
Jimmy: Let us fight for him.
Scott was speechless at this I stared Jimmy up and Down, he was shorter, an advantage, he was faster, but I was smarter, I could plan out my moves first, try to not hurt him at the same time as winning,
Scott: I-
Owen: Meet me at what is Tubbo's stage, bring a Iron sword why don't you?
My mouth said before my mind could think, I played it of cool, Scott staring at me ptrplextion ? and worry laced his face, I was kind of, uh, cute, what am I think of, he's just a friend dam Scott got friend zoned too XD - The Messenger Magpie
The suns warming ray shone on my or well, Scott's second Iron sword it glistened and gleamed in the light like a Swan dancing around its lake, it was time I set off to our meeting point, Scott followed behind,
Jimmy: You came,
Owen: Of course I did,
Scott set off into the sidelines as we drew our swords, Jimmy charged, raised his sword, only for me to block and push him away, the blocking set of for hours, it was nearing night, it seemed I had to go to the unwanted plan as Jimmy didn't give up easily, we panted and I prepared my sword, Jimmy came charging being blocked, it was brute force time, I kicked him in the stomach, sending him skidding away, sword tumbling the opposite direction of him, I charged, jumped, my sword came crashing down only to be blocked by his, we separated again, and came at each other, again, we jumped, sliced and twirled as our blades danced around, cutting through the air, we pushed at each other's swords again and again, we ended up in a block, I finaled this battle, if Jimmy wasn't, I was, I kicked him again, instead of waiting immediately charged slicing not just the air this time, but lightly cutting him too, finally he inked my sword away and so I slid his away, he jumped on me, we rolled and fought, neither winning, I planed something, I rested my body under Jimmys a victorious look on his face he rouse his fist, I crouch my legs to Jimmys chest, lower paws landing on his stomach area, and boosted him upwards, outstretching my legs full, sending him flying, he crashed onto the floor, and layed there, I walked over, and claimed my victory.

Ok, here's fluff coming up though, I just had to make Jimmy and Owen fight,
The bit requested by Wolfylady9905

So here's your fluff my beautiful commenter

Scott: Why'd you do this Owen?
Owen: Well uhh- I didn't really- Ow!
Scott: Sorry! Stop moving as much and it won't hurt
I huffed at Scott's reply to my pain, he was bandaging up my wounds it was taking awhile,
Owen: Are you done?
Scott: Just about!
Scott: There!
Scott finished the bandages and hoped of my lap,
Scott: Do you want to stargaze again?
Owen: Yes.
Scott: Come on en!
He grabbed my wrist dragging me to the balcony we sat on the ledge and watched the stars, and how the clouds moved across the sky as if they were slow dancing, the shooting stars zipping through the sky like when you skip a rock, and the stars twinkling the sky glimmering in its own light like a diamond in sunlight, I inched closer to Scott eventually sitting next to him, we sat there for awhile, gazing, Scott rested his head on my shoulder, and before I knew it, fell asleep, I was, extremely tired, but I still picked up Scott's slumbering body and walked to his home, I placed him on his bed, just as I was going to leave,  Scott's paw rapped around mine, pulling me back, onto the bed, I sat down, forcefully pulled by Scott I chuckled lifting the covers sliding underneath, Scott immediately pulling me into his embrace, I softened in the embrace spontaneously, closed my eyes and let sleep do the work, until the morning sun beamed again.

Kinda short but, I think angst at the start. Idk, anyhow, voting time!

A: Angst again
B: Fluffy stuffy
C: A bit of both
I'm gonna do fluff next chapter as well I just wanted fight,
Anyhow, opinions on a new book on empires season 2 but Scott is basically a Colby and everyone on the server goes ghost hunting, only to be meeted by a Scott who new everything and ERRORs 404a NAMEm NOTFOUND as a ghosty? How's that for a book!

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