. 6: Part2: Attic: Scott .

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I wiped away the last wave of tears that fled from my eye, taking deep breaths in and out to calm myself down, I looked to the ground and attempted to re ground myself after what just happened, I looked back up at the concerned three, I took a shaky breath in, an realised a sigh, I closed my eyes again,

Owen: You alright?
Scott: I- I'm fine
Lizzie: You sure? You look well-
Shelby: Windswept and like you just had a seizure,
Scott: Dam thanks

I braced myself for what was going to happen,
Deep breath in
And out

I don't think I can do this

Owen: Scott?

I was breaking down again, tears re-tracing my face, glazing my cheeks again,

Owen: You don't need to tell us Scott, if it's not needed, you don't need to
Scott: I- it's n- not that it- it's not nee- needed it's th- that-

I peaked their interest as stumbled over my words again and again

Scott: Ijustreallycantexplainit!itsreallyhardandidontthinkimready!
Lizzie: And what was that? You said that a bit fast
Shelby: It sounded like it was a different language! Slow down please?

Shelby retorted that with pure sass, Owen glared at her, Shelby raising her paws up to her chest in a 'wow wow back down!' Kind of way, Owen scoffed and turned his attention back to Scott, Lizzie mutually glaring at Owen angrily,

Scott: I- I don't know- it's just-
Scott: I don't think I'm to ready...
Owen: That's alright! Tell us when you're yeah?
Scott: Y- yeah
Owen: Do you wanna come sit next to me?

I nodded my head, the girls retreating to their seats, Owen led me over to his seat, half made half let me sit down on his chair, he dragged my chair over sitting down on that one, I lent my head onto his shoulder, letting my eyes close as more tears slid down my face, Owen spun around lightly leaving my head to fall down onto his lap, he moved my body upwards, onto his chest, I listened to his heartbeat for awhile, willing myself into a unconscious state, eventually it happened, only that things penetrating gaze heaved itself into my sleep, I blocked it out with more happy memories, most of them being of me and Owen, eventually, my body slipped into the full unconscious, letting darkness sweep over me lulling me into my sleeping state,

I blinked my eyes open, my body twirling around trying to avoid the light pouring into my eyes, that failed, drastically, only more light came, I eventually willed myself into a conscious state, actually wait, unwillingly, I feel absolutely horrible, like, sick kind of horrible, I swished my back onto the thing I was resting on, and realised, it was Owen, I was asleep on Owen, his paw rested on top of were my hat was, it was probably on my head, I did move a lot, I slowly sat up, trying to not disturb Owens sleep, and to my surprise, Tubbo was there, at the end of the chair, not two or one feet away from me, literally an inch or two separate us,

Tubbo: You two are very much Lovebirds,
Scott: Heyyy- Tubbo we're just friends, nothing more or less,
Tubbo: Hmmm, you sure?
Scott: Yes?
Tubbo: I think that's supposed to be a no, because you fell asleep right on Owens lap,
Scott: I- I did?
Tubbo: Yup! And Awee look at you blushing!

I tried to not blush at the fact I fell asleep on Owens lap, failing horribly,

Tubbo: Also- are you feeling ok?
Scott: Yeah why's that?
Tubbo: Ya don't sound it, you sound all stuffy and raspy like you've been drained of life,
Scott: I do feel kind of unwell, but it's nothing to worry about! It's probably just a minor cold,
Tubbo: If your so sure..

Tubbo mumbled under his breath, I looked to Owen to was beginning to wake up,

Scott: Mornin'
Owen: Morning-
Owen: Jeez Scott you good?
Scott: Yeah, I'm fine, I think I just caught a cold
Owen: No genuinely you sound horrid!
Scott: I'm fine- I did just wake up, and I was crying for most of the time I was awake at night,
Owen: That is true- But let's get you to your bed anyways
Scott: Nooooooooooo
Owen: Yesssssssssss

Owen said, picking up my body in a bridal position, I wrapped my arms around him immediately, snuggling my head into his neck crevasse, earning a light chuckle that quickly ended from Owen,

We made it to my house and he rested me in my bed,

Owen: Now go to sleep please

He was about to leave,

Scott: Nono! Please stay!

Owen spun around, shrugged his shoulders and returned back to my side,

Oh my lord why did I say that- god dam you mouth-

Owen: I have nothing better to do, so of course I'll stay with you!

Scott: Y- ye- yeaH th- thaNkS-
Owen: Are you ok?
Scott: ComPletly Fineee heheh-
Owen: You sure?
Scott: YUP!
Scott: Oh sorry that was a bit loud-
Owen: It's alright, and uhh- this chair is not very comfortable-
Scott: I know I need to get that sorted out
Owen: I- Uhm- gods-
Scott: Yeah?
Owen: Ca- can I come in the bed with you?

I lit up in a light red haze of blush, Owen had a more deeper red version spread on his face,

Scott: I- I- I- I Uhm- I-
Owen: It's alright if you don't want me to it's completely fine but it would be nice to be comfortable-
Scott: I- I mean there's no harm? Is there?
Owen: N- no?
Scott: So yeah su- sure!
What in the name of my farm am I speaking about-
Owen: I- I uh- thanks..

We where both blushing like madmen, absolute MADMEN!

Why did I agree to thissss? Ughhhhh why does it have to be meeee-

Owen lifted the covers sliding underneath them, not much room being left for us to not be very close, we both faced different directions, just staring at nothing,

Owen: Hey Scott
Scott: Ye?
Owen: Do you just wanna spin around and well-
Scott: Cuddle?
Owen: Yeahhhh-
Scott: S- su- sure!

I spun around Owen following the spin only a bit afterwards, I gingerly placed my paw on Owens side, letting it fall down to his back, Owen wrapped his arms around me, not gingerly, eagerly, braver, I proceeded to wrap my arms around Owen, placing my head into his chest, my tail finding it's way around Owens legs, I once again drifted off to sleep, being willed into it by the sound of Owens heart beat,

Woooow fluffy stuff
So that's nice Eh?
Anyhow, next chapter is gonna be
A vote
I have no motivation, it's been thrown into the void, so vote
A: Fluff
B: Angst
C: Why the helck do you need a vote?
D: 🐀
F: Both A and B
G: Why are there random rat emoji's?


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