. 16: Attic: Owen .

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HERE I AM! Ive actually prioritised this book! First chapter I'm making! It's that cool?
So it might be a long chapter! For once. Hurray! I'm excited! On we go! Oh and merry Christmas to those who celebrate and happy time to those how don't :D alright! Let's go on now!

I blinked open my eyes to see Bek snapping her fingers in my face, I leapt back at how close she was to me.

Bek: Gods! Finally your awake!
Owen: Yup- I guess
Bek: So, let's get going! The butler isn't here anymore and the mother was dragging her son into his room just now!
Owen: Ok! Ok! Jeez calm down-

Bek grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the place I was in.

Bek: Let's go meet up with Scott and Eloise. See what happened with them!

She proceeded to drag me over to the stairs, throwing me forwards as she let go of my arm, almost going off the edge. Almost. We trotted down the stairs and began our search. I didn't take us long to find Eloise, who ran right into Bek.

Eloise: Oh- o- oh Bek! I- I'm so sorry!
Bek: Hey wait a second are you ok? You sound so troubled!
Eloise: It- it's Sc- Scott-
Owen: What? What about him?
Eloise: Th- the son p- picked h- him up- and- I- I think he broken some bones-
Owen: WHAT!?
Eloise: I- I don't know! He- he passed out! But the mother and son where there! So I couldn't go anywhere with getting caught! S- so I had to wait awhile to go find you two!

What Eloise said hit me harder than a truck. My eyes widened as I began taking in the information. He's passed out and he has broken bones?! Oh no no no NO! This ISN'T good at ALL! I took a shaky breath before speaking again.

Owen: Where is he?
Eloise: Wh- what?
Owen: Where. Is. He.
Eloise: Ov- over there- under th- the table

Eloise pointed to a table not very far away, I darted over to the table. Bek still with Eloise, probably right at her side. I jumped a couple times to go faster. No time to waste, not when Scott's like this. I made it under the table before I even knew. I stopped in my running and almost fell backwards. I rushed over to Scott's body, sitting down at his side. I began shaking him. I mumbled his name a couple times, before it became louder and louder.

I stopped shaking him after awhile, he wasn't waking. He wasn't waking. HE WASN'T WAKING. I clutched his body pulling him into a hug, a tight hug. Let's tears stream down my face, leaving a wet trail behind it. My ears press against my head, not now... he can't die! Not now... it's only broken bones he can't die! Can he? Wait... Yes... yes he can die from broken bones. How many bone are broken though? There was one place visible, his arms, that can work, there was nothing wrong with the right arm: it might have a bone bruise but that'll be fine. But the other arm, the left arm was bruised on the outside and beginning to swell. That's definitely broken, what can I use, what can I use... yes! fibreglass and cotton! Or plaster and cotton- I've seen more fibreglass. I rolled up the leg part of his overalls, no higher. Nothing to bad... a couple of bruises but no swelling, the legs are fine. I rolled the leg part of the overalls back down, I check his chest, the open part. I'm not invading my best friends body like that. Just a couple of bruises... no swelling... it's fine... only a broken arm. Oh poor Scott- he can't really farm. You can't get dirt or sand on a cast. Poor Scott... I should pick him up and bring him to the attic... I thought. I place one of my paws on his back, the other under his knees, and slowly sat up, making sure not to drop him. Once I was standing, I walked away, over to the stairs, I went past Bek and Eloise, up the stairs, around the halls, into the bathroom, under the bath, and up the stairs in the wall, going up into the attic. I reached the opening, and stepped out onto the wooden floor. I have the materials at home don't I? Yeah I think so... probably. I walked over to my house, stopping sometimes to make sure Scott wasn't falling out of my grasp. I finally reached my home, I entered the home and went straight for the bed room, I placed Scott down on my bed. Immediately I rushed out of my room, searching through each of my chest to find the stuff. Cotton was pretty easy to find. It was the fibreglass or plaster that was hard to find. But, finally, on a streak of luck. I found a fibreglass cast. One which the cotton was taken out. And surprisingly- didn't smell. I rushed back into my room, going over to Scott's left side. I grabbed his arm pulling it out towards me. There wasn't really any signs of it being out of place. So I assumed that it was just broken... nothing moved at all. I wrapped the cotton around his arm. Now it was time for the cast. With another streak of luck, it fit perfectly! There was enough layers on the fibreglass cast to actually be a cast. The cotton is for decrease of irritation. So, yeah. Now Scott's in my bed. I'll just sleep on the floor, if Scott doesn't wake up in the time of sleeping. Hopefully... I let out a sigh. Hopefully he'll be fine. And it'll be fixed. I don't really have a way to see the broken bone... or if anything else is broken. So I just have to trust my gut, and the process. I looked back to Scott, who was peacefully sleeping on my bed. Passed out from shock. I didn't realise at I was at the door to my room, I walked back over to Scott, I moved the covers down, the up onto him. Making sure he was under the blankets. I took a chair and sat down on it. It was quite the comfortable chair. I yawned, my body wanting to go into a state of sleep. But first, I need a blanket. Since the boiler exploded, to a certain mischief of rats. It was cold at nighttime more now. I got out the chair, easily finding a blanket on the ground, I picked it up walking back over to the chair. I sat down on the chair and lifted the blanket onto my body. Now letting myself drift of to sleep.

Hey! A long chapter! Are you proud!? I am! Alsoooo- Merry Christmas! It's the 25 now! Hurray! I hope you enjoyed the last chapter of this year. Not forever though! Just this year, I think. Who knowsss~ have a great day or Christmas depending on which you choose! Bye bye!

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