. 11: Outside: Owen .

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Hey probably a short chapter depending on how I go. But hey! It's a chapter! So wooo! Oh yeah I guess a
TW for attempted suicide should be in place? Even tho water-

Idk, This also takes place a few weeks after the last chapter. So woooo! Yeah motivation still hates me!

For once, everything was normal, all of us were outside playing around, Tubbo came and teased me a couple times. Everything was slightly normal. I looked over to Scott, who was endlessly staring at the water from a block higher than it. What's he planning to do- my thought was interrupted by once again, Tubbo.

Tubbo: Hey Owen~
Owen: Hi.
Tubbo: I see you looking at Scott
Owen: Yeah so what?
Tubbo: Are you planning to go over and ask him out~
Owen: No, no I'm not.
Tubbo: Hm... Really??
Owen: Yes now shoo go annoy someone else

I waved Tubbo away, looking back at the worst time. Or best. Scott jump off of the platform he was on into the water. It seemed as if everyone had seen, because gasps emitted from around. And Scott wasn't surfacing. I jump over a crowd of rats, running to the water source and jumping in, it was cold, quite cold. But I continued going, I went down and down and down. I was starting to lose my breath, but as I hit the bottom, I found Scott laying motionless, I wrapped my arm around his waist swimming upwards, running out of time, running out of breath. I could barely make, but I did, I reached the surface with a gasp for breath. I pulled Scott's body up onto the ground. Getting out myself. Now hovering over his body, his motionless body, I shook him, desperate for him to awaken. As everyone else flooded towards us. I realised, I was crying? Well yeah of course I am he's my best friend, like jeez! I was about to pull my knees up to my chest, but, he awoke, coughing out mouthfuls of water. I lit up with glee. He was alive! Finally... I don't know what I would have done without him. He looked around, seeing that I was drenched in water too. I shuffled forwards, moving closer to Scott, who just, attacked me with a hug. I chuckled lightly. He's alive. That's good. Very good.

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