Chapter Four

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"Have a good night. Thanks for fixing my computer again." I waved Aries off as he stumbled out into a taxi that Mac practically threw him in. "Bye boys. Have a good night."

"You too."

They waved back, and then I was locking the bar and put the keys into my purse. Aden was leaning on the wall waiting for me patiently, passively, sternly almost. He got off the wall and stayed on the curbside of the street like always as he walked me back to my apartment.

"Have you ever wanted a pet?" I asked, turning to face him, but he shook his head. "Really? Not even a little kitten or puppy? I think kittens are adorable. Should I get one?"

He didn't respond this time and I sighed. I shoved my hands into my pockets and as if realizing I was cold, he took off his blazer and stopped walking so he could drape it over my shoulders. I looked up at him and to see him already watching me with such dark eyes.

They matched the night sky, the twinkling night sky and they shined like it so. Before any of us could speak or even attempt to dissect the meaning behind that look, we were walking again.

Usually, I could speak to him about nothing, but tonight I was just so tired of talking. I was tired of having a one-sided conversation. I was so fucking tired of thinking it was okay, that nothing happened.

I just wanted to be home, to be alone, to scream and to cry and let it out. I hated that he felt a need to walk me home at night. I hated that feeling of being so weak and vulnerable.

"Maybe I should get a guard dog," I spoke once we were in the elevator. "Easier than having you walk me home, less trouble for you too."

I felt him stiffen up next to me and I didn't know if I hit a nerve or if it was troubling for him. This man didn't speak, didn't comfort, and it was hard to understand what he was feeling and even harder to understand what he was thinking.

His face was always so fucking stoic, so stern and rigid that it didn't leave much to know just how annoyed he was. The elevator doors opened and the lights of the hallway leading to my place flickered. Aden stayed behind me as I pulled out my keys to unlock the door.

"No dog." He said suddenly and I spun around to face him.

"Why?" I asked.

He gave me a look that was a universal man look.

Because I said so.

He always looked at me the same. It was the same way he looked at me that night. It angered me. It aggravated me and lit a fire inside me and I could feel it burning me from the inside out and then I was exploding.

"Aden, just...fuck just stop looking at me like that!" I shouted. "God, the way you look at me sometimes. That pity fucking look. Stop."

His eyes shined and widened at my outburst, but I couldn't control the fire anymore. It was angry as it spread.

"Stop looking at me like that. I hate that look. I fucking hate that look. I get it. I fucking get it. You feel bad for me."

I threw my purse on the ground in my apartment and stepped in, but I didn't expect him to step in with me. He did. He stood right in front of me and slammed the door. 

"I don't."

His eyes were wide and crazy as they stared at me. I felt like I couldn't breathe, couldn't think right, and I couldn't handle this man thinking of me so differently. I wasn't broken. I wasn't damaged. I was a survivor, and I didn't need pity.

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