Chapter Nine

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I couldn't stay away for another second. Every day that passed without seeing her and hearing her voice was Hell. Fucking Hell on Earth. Each day felt like torture. I hated myself more and more every single day. I was counting down the seconds, the minutes, the fucking hours.

It's been five days. Five days too goddamn long. I walked into that bar with a purpose. I didn't stop and stare and look. I went straight to the counter and when I couldn't find her, I went to her office. I knocked on her door and it took her too fucking long to yell come in.

I opened it and wasn't prepared to see her so upset. She was sitting behind her desk, her eyes and nose red, her fingers shaky and gripping a white piece of paper, and her wet lashes blinked rapidly at me as she stared up at me.

I waited for her to speak, to let me hear her voice, but she just narrowed her eyes at me and pointed to the door. She crumbled the piece of paper harder in her hand as it formed a fist, and I went to where she was and grabbed her wrist. She fought me about it, but I was stronger than her as I plucked it out.

'You'll get what's coming to you. What you deserve. We'll see to it.' It wasn't signed, but the threat was clear.

"It's from that fucker, isn't it? I'm going to fucking kill him right now."

I tossed the paper on the ground and before I could leave her office, her hand wrapped around my forearm.

I spun around and my hands went to either side of her face.

"I'm going to kill him with my hands, with my bare fucking hands," I promised. "Tell me what to bring you. His heart or his hands?" Her wet lips parted. "Tell me." I repeated.

She peered up at me through wet lashes and the knife in my heart dug deeper at the look in her eyes. I brought my hand up to wipe away her tears, and then she was closing her eyes as she leaned into my hand. Her lips kissed the side of my hand and I bit back a groan from the feel of her soft lips on my skin.

"Aden," She murmured, her hand coming up over mine.

Her fingers played with mine and her eyes flashed open, the honey a darker hue of yellow, and I held my breath when she kissed the inside of my palm.

"My name belongs to you," I whispered. "I belong to you. Tell me what you want, Leila." I rasped.

"You never say my name. Say it again." She moaned.


"Leila," She whimpered her lips getting greedy as they kissed up my wrist and then I was reaching for her and bending down. "Tell me," I demanded again, but this time for another reason.

"Tell you what?" She gasped, her eyes searching mine.

"Tell me to kiss you,"

She moaned loudly and my cock jerked in my pants from the sound.

"Kiss me. Aden, kiss me."

I kissed her then. Hard. I took her mouth like it belonged to me. It did belong to me. She belonged to me. I groaned at how it felt to finally taste her lips. I cupped the back of her head, keeping her there as I kissed and took, and breathed her in. I wanted this moment to last forever.

She tasted salty from her tears, sweet like berries, and I wanted to fucking eat her up. I reached for her hand and placed them over my heart, wanting her to feel how my heart raced for her and she whimpered, pressing herself harder against me.

Her lips parted without a question, without a demand, and I tasted and caressed her tongue with my own. I could stay there forever. I wanted to freeze this moment, capture it, and embed it inside my heart.

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