Chapter Eight

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"My God, he's the cutest little baby!" I squealed as I bounced Ashton on my knee. "Those chubby cheeks!" I kissed them again while Rosie laughed from across from me. "My heart is so full. Rosie, he's precious," I told her in awe, and she placed her hand over her heart in response.

She messaged me during work and asked if I could hang out in the café across from my bar. Since Luke and Suzy were working the bar and I wasn't needed, I told her I'd meet her there.

I didn't know her baby boy was with her all donned in leather and cute little boots like his father's MC, but it was the cutest sight I'd ever seen. We ordered coffee and a bagel sandwich to eat since it was still pretty early for lunch.

He sat quietly in my hand eating a puffy snack while his mother sipped on her coffee.

"How are you? How's everything?"

"Good. I'm doing well." I ran my hand over his curls. "How's Alex and marriage and being a mother like? Treating you well, I suppose from that beautiful glow." I pointed out and she smiled.

"Treating me really well. I love it. I love it all." She shined as she answered. "It's fulfilling in every way. Alex and I are actually thinking about having another baby."

"Are you going to ask the same surrogate?"

"Maybe. It's a whole process and we're dealing with it all. One day at a time, Alex keeps reminding me." She reached over and handed Ashton another snack. "I love babies too much I think. Have you ever thought about having a baby?"

"I think I need to have a man first to do that." I chuckled nervously.

"What about Aden?" I stared at her with a weird look. She wasn't trying to joke or tease. She looked serious. "I think he likes you."

Speaking of Aden had me dredging up the conversation we had a few days ago. I hadn't seen him since. Any of the bikers walk me home and it breaks my heart every time. I thought he'd come by, but then I also thought he'd tell me what he wanted from me.

He chose to stay silent and usually I didn't mind that about him, but that hurt. It hurt because I really thought I meant something to him. He was demanding things from me, being jealous and possessive, and even though I didn't mind it from him I wanted a reason.

I wanted him to admit it. To say it. He didn't and now what was left of the bond we had forged so long ago? It was gone. Evaporated and I was left with what-if memories and each time I remembered any of them it hurt.

"Aden doesn't like me," I told her. "I haven't seen him in a few days. We had a fight. I don't know if it was even called a fight, but he walked away."

Technically I walked away, but he let me.

"Oh, Leila, if it's any consolation, I fought with Alex about a billion times before we got to where we are. I don't know Aden much, and I knew he isn't expressive like his other brothers but he's a good guy."

"It's not a matter of personality, Rosie. I've known Aden for a long time. He used to come to the bar when my father was still alive. He'd sit on the counter with his books all open and try to explain some mathematics equation to my father."

I smiled sadly at the memory.

"My father would listen to every word he rambled on about and then pour them two drinks. I need this more than you, he'd tell him, and I would watch them. He'd catch me staring every time, and shake his head to hide his smile. I've been in love with him since then... since the first smile he ever gave to me."

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