Chapter Twenty-One

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"He'll text you back when he's feeling better. He's probably just pissed off and needs some space right now." I reassured.

I watched her put her phone down on the counter and crawl over to me on the sofa.

"Aries tells me everything. Isn't it weird that I didn't know about this girl?"

"They were pretty close in high school. Friends, I think until something happened between them." I said, ushering her over.

She got up and came to sit on my lap and I wound my hands around her waist, keeping her close to me.

She frowned. "I hope he's doing okay, and he knows we're here for him."

"He knows, baby." I wiped my thumb across her frown. "Stop pouting,"

She sighed, giving in. "Fine."

"How many kids do you want?" I asked my hands going over her stomach.

"Three. Two boys and a girl."

"Three is good. I can work with three."

"Why are you going to be the one birthing them?" She chuckled.

"No, but I am going to be there with you every step of the way. Pregnancy, labor, diapers, bottles, all of it. I won't get you pregnant then just disappear.

I'll be with you through it all. I actually bought a few parenting books, but I left them in my office. We should be reading a lot of them and talking about it together that way we're prepared."

"You bought the parenting books before we even became parents?" She asked dubiously.

"Yes, I mean you're bound to be pregnant already. I've been fucking you without a condom for a few weeks now."

She gasped and put her hand over my mouth.

"You're so crude."

I licked her hand, and her eyes went wide as she yanked it away.

"You don't seem to mind it when I'm between your legs, baby."

"No, I guess I don't." I kissed her lips softly and she melted as she smiled at me. "Did you used to ever sit and wonder about your life? Your future? Did you have something else planned?"

I thought about it for a moment. "No, not really. All I really cared about was work and you. Work was a steady factor. You weren't. I never thought you'd feel the same way or forgive me for what I kept from you.

I just wanted you to be happy. You're all I really thought about. I wanted to make you happy, to offer you the world and all the treasures it had. I'm glad I didn't plan it, Leila, because this...what we better than anything I could ever come up with."

Her eyes shined as she smiled widely.

"You sweet and romantic man. All these words that you share with me and the conversations you give me...I love them, Aden. I know they're special because they're from you and I want you to know you're better than anything I could ever come up with, either.

You're my future and I love you." She murmured, her fingers caressing my jaw as she leaned in closer. "You're the love of my life."

"You're my entire soul, the air I fucking breathe, and you live in my heart and mean everything to me. I love you so fucking much." My hands tightened on her hips. "Baby," I whispered when she brushed her lips against mine. "I need to get you pregnant."

She moaned against my lips. "Yes, you do."

"I've yet to see you on top," I murmured, my hands squeezing her thighs. "Wanna see you riding my cock, baby." I husked.

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