Chapter Fourteen

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I lifted my shirt and his hungry eyes stayed on me as I pulled it over my head. It fell to the ground, but his eyes weren't there, they weren't even on my breasts, no... they were still on my face.

Watching me. Observing me. I swallowed as shaky hands reached to the back and I unclasped my bra.

It joined my shirt on the floor, and it was only then that he looked down to where his hand was still on my right breast. His other hand came up and he held my other breast.

I could feel him weighing the mound in his hands and he gave me a gentle squeeze, as he tested the waters. I gave him an encouraging nod in response.

He squeezed them harder, and I felt his thumbs brush against my nipples causing them to pebble underneath his touch. I shivered and goosebumps erupted all over and I saw him keep his eyes on me as he bent down.

He left a kiss right above my chest, another, and another until he reached where his thumb was. My lips parted as his tongue peeked out to give it a lick.

"Leila, who's touching you, baby?"

"You are. Just you."

"Are you mine to touch?" He asked, his eyes dark and sultry as they met mine.


"Are you mine to kiss?"


I instantly moaned the second his lips touched mine. It was electrifying in the best possible way. As filthy and as crude as our kiss was, I loved every second of it. It was real and raw and full of passion.

It was our way of apologizing and forgiving each other. It spoke how much we missed each other, needed each other, and that nothing and no one could ever get between us.

I didn't want anything else in my life except to be kissed by this man, Aden. I felt his fingers twist and pull my nipples while his mouth licked and nipped at mine.

He pulled away leaving me breathless and then all I could see were his curls as his mouth alternated between my breasts.

I was getting hot, turned on, wet, and I couldn't hold in my sounds as I begged and moaned my approval. I fisted his hair when he sucked too hard and yanked when he bit down on my nipples.

Fisting them harder, I tugged him back up to my mouth so I could kiss him, taste him. He groaned into the kiss, his entire being shaking and carnal as he cradled both sides of my face with his hands.

I couldn't breathe from the ferocity of the kiss, and could barely think as he took every bit of my sanity and doubt away with his kisses and touches.

"Are you mine to taste?"

I moaned at his question. "Yes."

"God, I want to fucking devour you. To taste your orgasm on my tongue, to have you ride my face naked, to feel your swollen clit, to rub it, to tease it, to feel the wetness with my fingers and tongue.

I want to see how you look when you cum, Leila. I want to hear how you sound when you scream my name...when you beg me to stop but secretly want more."

I chuckled breathlessly. "How do you go from one-word responses and grunts to having the dirtiest mouth?"

"I told you, baby," He bit my chin playfully. "That I'm absolutely fucking filthy when it comes to you."

His wet tongue trailed down my chin and my neck then right back up to my ear. He bit down on my earlobe extracting a low whimper from me.

"I bet your panties are soaked through. I bet it hurts, doesn't it, baby? You need me to touch you there? To make it better?"

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