Chapter Five

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The tissue in her hand was balled up in her fist and the red eyes told me that she had indeed been crying. I barely walked inside the bar and like a fucking magnet my eyes found her. She was standing and then I saw those tears fall down her precious face. I didn't know why until I got closer.

She was watching my brother and his wife hug. I didn't know what triggered her and I didn't know if it was the hug or if it was some other memory. I saw her run to the office, and I couldn't let it happen again. I couldn't let her be upset alone.

I followed her and now that I was here, I didn't know what to fucking do. She stood there waiting for me to say something, to do anything, but all I could do was look at the wet cheeks that made her freckles seem darker.

All I could do was stare at this beautifully broken angel and feel this ache in my heart at the pain she was holding on to. What if I touch her and she flinches like last time? What if she remembers him and screams? What if I make it worse? What if I add to her pain?

I couldn't make the first move. I was terrified of fucking it up, of fucking her up. I stayed standing and my hands went up as I spread them open. An invitation. A hug. But only if she wanted to. Her eyes widened and I heard her inhale sharply at what I was doing.

I felt ridiculous standing in her office with my arms spread and extended out while she just stared at me. Before I could drop my hands, Leila ran toward me and jumped right into my embrace, her hands wrapping snugly around my waist.

She sobbed when I closed my arms around her, hugging her back. She shook as she cried in my arms, and it had me hugging her tighter. I rubbed her back and ran my hand over her hair.

It's okay. I got you. I got you.

The words were stuck in my throat, and I felt the pain of keeping them buried inside. Hugging her like this was too much. I could feel every inch of her body pressed against mine.

Feel that slight up-and-down motion of her shoulders. Hear the shallow and labored breathing. Feel the wetness of her tears soaking my shirt and the way her fingers clung to the back of my shirt.


I didn't speak. She didn't either. I didn't sshh her or offer her any comforting words. I just stood there with tiny arms holding onto me like I was her only salvation.

I hoped to God I wasn't because I didn't deserve that level of trust and comfort. She was the one that pulled away first and she did it without looking at me.

She gave me her back and I saw her go over to her desk and pull out a tissue. She wiped her tears away and then closed her eyes as she let out a calming breath of air. With her eyes still closed, she gathered up her hair and reached for a band around her wrist to tie it up.

"I don't know about you, but I need a drink." She said, her eyes barely meeting mine.

I walked out with her beside me and then we were back to the bar. She grabbed a beer bottle for herself and then made me my regular drink. She slid it to me, and fingers brushed against each other as I reached for it.

I saw the visible shiver that wrecked through her body, but she didn't look at me. She drank her beer and then jumped right back into work as if nothing happened.

The amount of strength and bravery this woman had was indescribable. It was amazing to see just how fast she could bounce back without a thought, but it was also saddening to see her shove her emotions right down her throat and force herself to smile and get on with her life.

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