Chapter Eleven

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I can still smell her on my clothes, still feel how tightly she fisted my shirt as she hugged me, and God take me, all I wanted was to slide into bed with her and hold her all fucking night. The indescribable need and desire to protect this woman, to lay my life on the line for her, was just that.

Inexpressible. Indescribable. There were no words, no reasons, nothing. It wasn't the guilt that made me witlessly enamored with Leila, though there was some very tiny underlying part to it. It was love. It was real and raw love. I was too fucking in love with her to ever walk away.

I just needed to get my head on straight before I headed to bed. I needed to figure out how I was going to avenge Leila. He had to die. Obviously. I was trying to figure out how I was going to kill him.

I didn't want it to be a scene and I had to keep in mind that someone else might come after her, even if I were to get rid of the uncle. It was justice. Simple and easy, but my brain was working in overdrive. I needed to speak to my brothers about it, but more importantly, I needed to speak to Leila first.

I wanted her to know that it was going to happen indefinitely. She couldn't stop me, and I prayed she didn't try and talk me out of it. Because as much as I wanted to please her and care for her, I don't think I could be talked down from this.

Not from her or from my brothers. Not even God himself could tell me to back off because his life was in my hands from the moment he attacked and raped Leila. I couldn't wait to get my hands on him and make him pay for what he did to her.

I was going to fucking enjoy killing him and teaching him a lesson. The other thing my brain was buzzing and pestering me about was telling Leila about what happened that night. She needed the truth, even if it was ugly and cowardly.

I needed her to know, to ease this immense and toxic guilt that I'd been carrying since that night so that it was out of the way. It'd change us and I didn't know if it would be for the better or worse, but I hoped it would be for the better.

Maybe telling her would heal us both. I wanted Leila. Hell, I needed her. Wholeheartedly. I wanted to love her forever, to be with her forever, and I didn't want to do any of it wrong and keep secrets from her.

That night did change our relationship and I needed to come clean about it all. The computer screen in front of me was either shining too bright or I was just too exhausted.

I turned it off and reached to pour myself another drink when the shrill sound of her screaming echoed through the empty house. I jolted out of my seat and ran to my room.

I walked in to see her screaming and shaking on the bed, tears falling down that pretty face, as she kicked the blankets and sheets away and off her body.

"Stop! Stop! Don't! Please...please don't!" She begged and sobbed.

I went over to where she was, my own hands trembling with fear and anticipation as I touched her shoulder.

"Leila, open your eyes. Baby, it's only a bad dream."

I reached for her, both my arms going for hers, and then she was opening her eyes. Sitting up, she was breathless, almost fucking vibrating with fear, and she didn't have to speak, to explain. I knew.

"It's okay, baby. Just a bad dream. I should've never left you alone." I admitted. "Come here, goddamn it, fuck." I pulled her close and crawled under the covers with her in my arms. "Fall asleep in my arms. I'm here. I'm right here. It's just me, baby. Just me. Sleep, baby. Sleep."

Her shaking and crying halted after a few more minutes. I looked down to see her lips parted, and soft snores filled the room as she slept. I kept her right there in my arms and held her, almost crushing her to my chest as we lay in my bed like this.

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