Chapter Twenty

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His mouth was on me from the moment he stepped into the bar without caring that everyone was watching us. He didn't wait for a second, holding me to him and lifting me up in his arms.

His lips stayed on me as he carried me out from behind the bar and to my office, only pulling away when we bumped into the walls and tables.

The kiss was angry, demanding, and brutal, and I didn't want him kissing me any other way. The sound of the door slamming shut made me kiss him harder and then I was pressed against the door as he ravished my mouth.

His clothes were bloody, the scent rusty and dirty, and that had me aching for him to take them off. I reached for the hem of his shirt, and he tugged it off before kissing me again.

I placed my hands on his chest, where the poem was located, and I caressed and traced every line. He shuddered and ground his hips against mine, showing me how much he needed me as well.

I felt his hands cupping my ass, insistently squeezing and kneading the flesh through my pants.

I couldn't breathe, not when he was swallowing up every sound, his mouth fused to mine, that the only way to leave the kiss was to bite down hard on his bottom lip. I gasped the air coming back into my lungs, but he didn't care for it as he went to my neck.

He left open-mouthed wet kisses all over and I could feel his urge growing, his desire blossoming along with the bites he scattered all over my neck. He extracted a moan with every bite he left on my neck.

"Aden. Aden, fuck, please." I pleaded, my hips bucking against his greedily.

He pulled away reluctantly and set me down and I almost fell with how wobbly my knees were.

"Take your clothes off," He demanded, his hands going to his jeans as he undid them.

I caught a view of his knuckles and I paused. Heart hammering, I reached for his hands.

"Aden, you're hurt."

"Not my blood."

My thumb went over his knuckles caressing them gently. "God, this shouldn't turn me on. Aden, what's wrong with me?" I whispered.

"It's not wrong to be turned on, Leila," He took his hands away and knelt before me. I dipped my head down to take a better look at him. "I'm your man and I took care of him for you." He rasped, his hands lifting my shirt so he could kiss my abdomen. "I'll kill anyone that ever dares to lay a finger on you."

"Aden," I gasped, my fingers knotting in his hair. "Tell me..."

"You want to know how I killed him?" I nodded. "With my hands." He groaned his mouth growing wetter against my skin.

"Once I got my hands on him, nothing could take me away or make me stop. His face was unrecognizable by the end. There was so much blood." I moaned. "I was going to rip him open and bring you his heart."

"I don't want his heart. I don't want anything to do with him. I want you. Just you. Please, touch me."

I lifted my shirt up and over my head and his hands tugged down my jeans and panties. I kicked them to the side and unclasped my bra while he kissed up my thighs. He grabbed my thighs, spread them, and suddenly he moved away, and I saw him lie back on the floor.

His hands reached for my hips, and I gasped when he yanked me over his face. Before I could react or tell him to wait, his mouth latched onto my clit with a loud groan.

I looked down and his eyes were rapid as they met mine. I'd never ridden a man's face before, and I was thankful that it didn't require an instruction manual.

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