Chapter Seven

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I should have kissed her. I should have held her face in my hands and kissed the life and doubt right out of her.

Godfuckingdamn it.

I should have demanded that the only person she was allowed to kiss was me, but I didn't. I couldn't bring myself to say the words. I know Mac didn't like her and I know he only cared for her in the way Aries and Alex did.

Like family, like how a brother would, but I didn't care. I was jealous. Too fucking jealous. I didn't want anyone caring for her because it was my job. I wanted to be the only one to protect her and care for her.

She wasn't our Leila; she was my Leila. She didn't belong to The Sinners, she belonged to me. The anger was coiling and festering inside me, and I hated it. I fucking loathed it. Who was I to be jealous? Who was I to demand she not kiss anyone?

But fuck me, she was so pretty as she obeyed. I groaned at how compliant she was, so accepting, so fucking willing to go with my demand without question. It was hot. She was hot. It was the way she provoked me.

The way she asked me 'what if I kissed him?'. She knew it would piss me the fuck off. She knew it would get that reaction out of me. If she were to ever kiss another man I'd rip his tongue right out.

If a man were to ever approach her, touch her, kiss her I'd fucking tear him apart with my own two hands. I wasn't above murder, especially when it came to my Leila.

Her turning me on aside, far, far aside, I had to focus on one thing. Now that I knew who attacked her that night, I finally could bring her justice. Her uncle, Farhad, would die. Soon. I didn't know how I would do it, but I knew for a fucking fact that he'd die at my hands.

He'd pay for that night. He'd pay for touching her, for forcing himself on her, for thinking he could ever harm her. It happened so long ago, and now that I knew who did it. I'd fucking bring her his heart. I'd tear it right out of him.

How fucking dare he show his face again? Thankfully, I was already in the area with the computer I bought her, but I didn't even get a chance to give it to her. It was still in my car. I'd just give it to her later.

When I walked inside the bar to check if she was there, I caught her back and could instantly feel the tension and rage in the bar. I saw Mac with his gun still in his hand and Aries shaking his head as they told me what happened.

Then my eyes went to her, and I was able to catch her before she fell and broke down right there. I didn't anyone to see her like that, so upset and torn right in half.

Her pain and her anguish were private, and I didn't want her to feel embarrassed right after. She could cry in front of me. She could break down and scream and hit and throw things right in front of me.

It wouldn't change a thing. Not a goddamn thing. I'd still see her as the same Leila, as the same beautiful and breathtaking woman and love of my life. My heart ached in my chest at the thought of loving her so much. It hurt to love her so.

It hurt to not let her know, to not express it, but maybe I could redeem myself after murdering her uncle. My fingers twitched as I thought about how he'd scream and cry in agony.

By the time I was done with him, he was going to wish he was dead. I pulled out my phone and messaged Aries.

'Are you still at the bar?'

'Yeah. She's fine. She's calmed down.'

I hate that he knew what I was going to ask.

'Stay and make sure someone walks her home tonight. I might be too busy with my work.'

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