Chapter Fifteen

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It's not like I didn't expect work to be chaotic and overwhelming since I've been gone for a while, but I underplayed it in my brain. I was so fucking busy I didn't have a single minute to myself as I caught up with everything I'd missed.

Morgan reorganized my schedule and had all my meetings in the office and some outside the office. They were back-to-back, long, tiring, and draining, but I couldn't whine and bitch since I was the one that did this to myself.

There weren't enough hours in the day for all the work I missed out on while I was sulking over Leila. It felt like the more I finished and got done, the more work piled up. I've had Aries and Mac walking her back to her place since my meetings or work ran later than I wanted to.

I haven't seen her in a few days because of how busy I've been and even though we spoke on the phone at night and texted throughout the day, it wasn't enough. I missed her too much. I missed seeing her smile and missed hearing her talk my ear off.

I missed her curls, her lips, freckles, and that boisterously sexy laugh. I craved her more and more every day that passed and even though we were taking it slow, I wanted her pinned beneath me.

I wanted to taste every inch of her, lick the sweat off her body, suck on her neck and mark her with my teeth, and that thought was enough to get my cock jerking in my pants.

The thing is I was still at work, and I couldn't even take a lunch break since I had an important business phone call in fifteen minutes. It's not like I was hungry, but I usually called Leila during my lunch break, and we caught each other up with everything.

I gathered up the paperwork needed for the phone call and buzzed my secretary for the notes. There was a knock on the door, and I looked up expecting to see Morgan, but Leila was the one walking in with the notes in her hands. Her hair was up in a messy bun, some wild strands sticking out from either side.

She was only wearing a graphic black short-sleeved shirt that reached right above her knees and sneakers. No pants. No jeans. No leggings. Her bare legs were in my view and my ravenous eyes lingered there longer than they should have.

So fucking sexy. Goddamn. She closed the door and walked over to me. She placed the notes on my desk and smiled at me. I reached out for her hand, and I pulled her to me, causing her to stumble on top of me.

"You're here," I whispered, cradling her face, needing to touch her to make sure she was actually here with me in my office.

"I missed you." She said with a small pout. "I called your office and Morgan said you were staying in for your lunch break, so I left the bar to see you. Is that okay?"

"Of course, it's okay." I smiled at her smile. "God, I was just thinking about you," I whispered.

"Dirty things I hope." She teased, sitting properly over my lap.

I traced her bottom lip with my thumb slowly and bent down to repeat the motion with my tongue. She whimpered.

"God, kiss me," I demanded, and she was quick to obey.

Her hips moved over mine as we kissed, and I could feel the heat of her cunt against my crotch as she ground on top of me. We kissed harder, wetter, louder, and I couldn't part from her lips if you fucking had a gun to my head. I'd die kissing her.

My hands went to her bare thighs, and I squeezed and kneaded the flesh. Her fingers in my hair tightened their hold as she messed up my hair like how she always did when we kissed. God, she was getting wet.

I could feel the dampness and heat of her grinding on me. I could feel the little beat of her cunt and hear her heart against mine as it rattled. She missed me, missed this.

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