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I decided to take Abigale to the finest café I know. It was a small and quaint place, and local. That was a plus. I visit lots of places, but nothing compared to this café.

"So Abigale, what do you have planed for our article?" I asked trying to strike up a new conversation.
"Not get killed," she replied, "I've read your articles."
I laughed then realized what she was getting at. As I soon as I stopped laughing, she started. "I'm kidding." She said with a soft smile."

We walked into the café and I sighed. I looked over at Abigale. "Anything specific?" I asked.
"What are these so called crêpes?" She replied with a smile.
"Oh they're heavenly." I told her.

Once we ordered our crêpes and coffee, for some reason Abigale liked her coffee black, we sat down at one of the tables outside.
"So what do you plan on writing about?" She asked.
"We could go after the man whole stole your camera." I suggested.
"No, that sounds a bit boring." She said and then stopped in her tracks.
"Bingo." She said. She walked over to a missing persons flyer. It was of girl around Abigale's age who disappeared about a week ago.
"A missing girl?" I asked looking at the flyer.
"There have been others in the same area." She said.
"Great snakes! You're right." I said really shocked.
"Aren't I always?" She said smugly.

"Two crêpes and two coffees." A waiter yelled out.
"That's us." Abigale said and walked back to the table. I followed behind her.
"Shall we?" I asked as I motioned to the food.
"We shall."

A/n- sorry it's short. I'm trying. 😳😚

The Reporter and The PhotographerWhere stories live. Discover now