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I was running out of many things at this point, things such as clues, leads, and hope. I had found nothing since the whole dress incident a few days ago. It baffled me that some one framed me for a murder. I paced the room, back and forth until I noticed it. "Great snakes!" I gasped. On my bulletin board was a note with the word 'ALIVE' scrawled on it seemed to have an address, today's date and a time, 3:00, written on it. It defiantly was not my hand writing and it wasn't girly enough to be Abigale's. I ripped it off and held it tightly in my hands.

.... Two days ago.....


We were all sitting there waiting for the next drunken man to take us. Soon enough Oscar walks in. "Miss Abigale, someone wants to give you another go. If you fight back this time, I will let him kill you." He spoke harshly. I gave him a scared look and nodded. Oscar took me by the arm and pulled me outside. There I saw a tall skinny figure, with fair dark skin, and the curliest of hair. He wore a fedora that covered some of his face, but there was no doubt a smirk played across his lips.

"Come with me, darling." He spoke seductively. I nodded with a frightened look. I had to keep the scared little girl act up. He led me to the same room I was in before. I was ready to fight when he started to speak. "Do you wish to see you Tintin again?" He asked me. I was astonish, and I could feel my eyes widen. I pushed him up against the wall. "How do you know who he is? I never told anyone his name." I ask furiously.  He just chucked. "I framed him for your murder, but I did a lousy job." He whispered. I pushed him against the wall even more, urging him to talk. "I will meet with him in two days time. After that I will bring him here as a customer. Then he can buy you and you two are free to go." He said with a smile.

"First off, I am not some possession to be bought or sold, Second I'm not leaving with out the others, Third how do I know your not lying?" I said rather quickly. "In my pocket," he said "I found it on his desk." With my free hand I reached into his pocket, I pulled out my hair pin. I let him go off the wall. I ran my fingers through the petals of it. It smelled clean and tidy, like Tintin's apartment. I nodded. "I believe you, but I've got a plan to. A plan that will get all of us out." I told him.

... Present day...


I walked to the address that was written on the note. I had my gun tucked behind my shirt and Snowy ready to attack. It was an Ally way with little to know life stirring. There he was. A tall slender man, with Hispanic skin, dark curly hair, fedora, and a trench coat. "Ah, it's so good to see you. You're girlfriends dress made for good target practice." He joked. I felt the anger boil up inside me. "My name is Charles, and I am here to give you Abigale back." He said. "Well then where is she?" I demanded. "At the old warehouse on Baker Street. She'll be expecting you soon. I'm going to let her have fun first." He said with a smirk. "What the hell does that mean?" I asked.

"You'll see." He told me, the smirk never left his face. "Why are you helping me?" I asked slightly confused. "She fought back. She tried to fight a man twice her size. She doesn't belong there." He spoke with approval.

"I suggest you be at the warehouse at 8:00. Because that is when the fun will start." He said, and with that he turned and walked away. I stood there completely flabbergasted.

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