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(Jumble of three chapters because it's times this book ends)


My eyes widened in shock,and I pull away. "Abigale, what are you doing?!" I asked in disbelief. "I think I just kissed you. It's a sign of affection." She said. I frowned slightly. I was completely flabbergasted. What does this mean,does she love me, is this because she just survived something that should have killed her? So many questions ran through my head. Abi leaned back and huffed out. "Men." She whispered. I looked over to her. "You could have died,no, you should have died. They said that the bullet was a hair away from your heart. They said they've never seen anyone so lucky." I said softly.

"What was the alternative? Have the only person who ever gave me a second thought die? Nuh uh. You've got to big of heart to be cut that short." She replied not looking at me. "And besides no one really cares about me. Not a big loss in that department." She added. I took placed my hand under her chin and turned her to face me. "Don't ever let me hear you say that again. You are the most important human being to me." I told her powerfully yet with a gentle smile. She let out a broken sigh.

"You really mean that Tintin?" She asked with tears brimming her eyes. I nodded. "Of course I do Abigale." I told her. This time she hugged me. I hugged back gingerly. "Hey Tintin?" She asked. I nodded telling her I was listening. "I love you." She told me. I smiled. "I've got a deep regard for you as well Abigale." I told her.



It was my first night back and boy was I ready to see my bed again. My torso was still sore, so Tintin helped guide me. Once we opened the door I was greeted by Ms.Finch. "Oh my stars you get into more trouble that Tintin does. " she started. Honestly this late at night I was surprised she wasn't in bed. I nodded in reply and kept going. Tintin told Ms.Finch that I still was feeling under the weather. "You should at least try to look happy." He told me. I smiled brightly to get him off my case, but he just rolled his eyes. "So Abigale," He started. "I was dying,drugged and in pain. Not to mention delirious,scared, and alone. I meant none of it." I replied.

"That's not what I was going to ask. But that will be a topic for later. I wanted to ask how does it feel to be back?" He asked me. "Grand! Absolutely splendid!" I lied with a convincing smile, and he believed me. We continued up the stairs until we reached our doors. "Are you going to be okay, Abi?" Tintin asked me softly. "I've birth a cow, being shot has nothing on that." I replied with a smirk. He nodded. "Right then, if you need anything I'm right across the hall." He told me.

My flat was a mess, yet just how I left it. I plopped down on my couch and sighed shakily. It was quiet, and I wasn't used to that. I also wasn't used to having a large space to myself. I stood up and rushed across the hall. I knocked on his door softly. "What is it?" He asked knowing it was me. "I don't like the quite. May I come in? Maybe we could have a cup of tea?" I replied.

He opened the door and motioned to the chairs. I curled up in the fetal position in one.  "I figured you were coming so I already made some." Tintin said as he handed me a cup. "I'm sorry." I said. He looked at me with knitted eyebrows. "For being a burden." I continued. He shook his head. "Your not a burden. It's nice to have someone around here my age." He said. I took a sip of the tea and smiled "Tell me a story." I instructed.

"Pardon?" He asked. "Tell. Me. A. Story." I said it slowly. He started, but I think I dozed off to sleep. It had been a while since I wasn't interrupted by perverts or nurses. Plus I felt safe around Tintin. When I came to I felt a blanket being draped over me. "Don't expect this all the time,not like I'm going to give you a key so you can barge in. Good night." Tintin whispered.

One year later


"Tintin! Come on, come on, COME ON!" I beat on his door. "Abigale you have the key just come in!" He yelled. I rolled my eyes and opened his door. "You take all the fun out of things." I told him. "I'm a horrible person I know." He replied. I couldn't help but noticing he had trouble with his tie. I walked over and started to tie it for him. "What were you raised in a barn?" I asked jokingly. "No, but I know someone who was." He said looking down at me. "Oi, that is just rude." I told him.

He laughed, "You started it, fussy pants." I finished his tie and placed my hands on his shoulder. "I want to get good photographs for your article. And I don't want to be late." I said a bit forcefully. "Abi, calm down, they will be hear all week. " he told me. I rolled my eyes. "I'm still not ready. Have you seen my green sweater vest?" He asked. "No, just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I actually do laundry. " I replied. I then sat myself in one of his recliners. Snowy instantly jumped into my lap, I scratched him behind his ear. That was his favorite spot. "Lot a help you are. Why do I keep you around?" He asked. "Because I'm pretty." I retorted. Snowy looked at me with a smile. "Oh yes I did." I told the pup.

Tintin came out in the most putrid of sweater vest I have ever seen. "No. You are not wearing that." I said seriously. "When did you become a fashion expert?" He asked. "Our trip to London. Now off with the sweater vest!" I replied quickly. "You are bossier than usual." He grumbled. I rolled my eyes.

Tintin took of the vest and I smiled. I handed him his coat. "And what about you little miss button up?" He asked. I looked down at my clothes. A yellow button up and a red skirt. "I'm not trying to impress anyone, I'm just the photographer." I replied sassily. He laughed and lead me out to the door.

As we reached the abandoned warehouse on Baker Street I could see 4 figures in the distance. I rushed over to them and embraced Lilian and Rose.
Lilian's husband smiled, as he held their baby daughter, Abigail. Pity about the spelling. We were asked by our boss to host a one year anniversary for 'one of the worst kidnappings ever'. It was nice to see them again.

"Alls well that ends well." I said with a smile. "Come on Abigale, take some pictures for the article." I let go of my friends and glared at him. "I love you!" He said jokingly. I thought back to what he once said to me. "I have a deep regard for you as well." I said with a smirk.


The Reporter and The PhotographerWhere stories live. Discover now