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Once the sun came up I knew it was time to go. I grabbed the black béret, and bent down to Snowy's level. "Alright boy, find her." I instructed. He barked in agreement and started inhaling the fragrance of the hat. He nodded, telling me he had something. I opened my door, and Snowy ran across the hall.

"No, Snowy..." I sighed. I probably should have waited till we were outside. "Come on then." I said and motioned for him to follow. We were going to the one place I didn't want to go. The place Abi, was taken from. As I neared the corner I heard voices, both male.

"Who was the girl with?" One asked.
"I have no clue, I will check the guest book. I promise he can not and will not find the girl." The other replied.
"You better hope so, because of how highly she speaks of him, this man could ruin the whole operation!" The first one snapped.
"Trust me, I've got it all under control." The second one said.

I waited a few minutes to make sure they were gone. I peered around to check and sighed in relief. I turned to Snowy. "I have the strangest feeling they were talking about me." I whispered to him. That hunch gave me hope, it have me hope that she was alive, and that is exactly what I needed. "And if they are talking about me, that means Abigale has been speaking 'highly' of me." I added with a smile.

That was it. She wanted to make them afraid. She was most likely exaggerating, bending the truth if you will, to make me sound powerful. I couldn't help but laugh. "Oh I knew I liked her, but man she is good." I told Snowy. He gave me an 'I told you so' look.

I let Snowy sniff the hat again. "Okay boy, do your thing." I encouraged. He once again sniff the hat. Snowy started to sniff the ground. He barked, then started to run. I followed behind him, determination written across my face.

We made it to an old alley, I looked around but there was nothing. I heard Snowy growl. Once again I scanned the area, but no one was there. Snowy started to paw at something, I picked it up to find that it was a cigar butt. I look to find the restaurant was on the left side. "We are looking for a smoking waiter or cook," I said, "I'll inform Thompson and Thomson.."

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