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I woke up in a cold and damp room. The first things that I noticed were that my hands were bond, as well as my feet. "What?" I mumbled to myself. I tried to wiggle myself lose, but to no avail. I tried to think back to last night, the last think that wasn't a complete blur was the dance. My first instinct was to blame Tintin, but I can't do that for everything.

I wasn't gaged, I guess they thought I was a crybaby. I'm not going to show my captures weakness, in fact they are going to be sorry they ever abducted me. I decided to let my captures know I was wide awake. "OI, is this anyway to treat a lady?" I yelled.

The cute waiter from the other day, the one who offered the free meal, walked in. "Well, well. Looks like the pretty women is up." He smiled. "Drop the act. I'm not some doll, I am a human being. This is Illegal." I said sternly. Nobody kidnaps Abigale Dougless. He shook his head. "You are quite the brave one aren't you. The other girls who have been in your place cried and begged." He told me. I rolled my eyes. "I know your not gonna let me go, so what's the point in wasting good tears?" I asked sarcastically.

He was very tempted to hit me, you could see it in his eyes. He wasn't used to being smarted off to by a women, and most men weren't. It was time someone but this jerk in his place. "Still a gentleman at heart I see." I pointed out. He glared at me. "Just because I didn't strike you doesn't mean others here won't," he spat. He took out a hunting knife, if I could get my hands on that I'd be home free. He came closer. "What are you gonna do with that? Put it away, that's a man's toy." I said trying to push his buttons.

I think I did it. He rushed over and grabbed me by the hair. "You better watch your tone girl." He said threw clenched teeth. Next thing I know I feel a tug and a wait off my shoulders. Cute waiter walked in front of me with the hunting knife and a hand full of my hair. My eyes widened. I tried to see how short he had cut it. From the best I could tell it was a few inches past my jawline. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" I yelled. Cutting my hair was like killing a kitten.

"Your new look. If your gonna go back out we gotta make sure no one will recognize you." He smirked. I smirked back, maybe I even let out a laugh. "What?" He demanded. "Oh dear, you think your gonna get away with taking me? You should check who I am... More importantly who My partner is. Because oh boy! Is he gonna kick your butts." I said with the biggest smile.

He looked unamused. He took out a cloth and stuck it in my mouth. "It's time you made some friends, maybe they'll teach you some manners." He said and lifted me up by me underarm. He dragged my out of the room and into another. This one was filled with two other girls... Wait there were four missing, what happened to the other half?

He threw me to the ground. "Ta,Ta." He waved. The ladies rushed to me. One looked older maybe in her late 20s, light ginger hair, Hazel eyes, and.. My lord pregnant. The other was young, maybe 16, she was gorgeous, really slim, long black hair, the bluest eyes, one had a brown spot which made the more beautiful. The young on ungagged me, while preggers untied my hands. Once I was free I thanked them.

"I'm Lilian, and this is Rose." The older women spoke. Rose nodded when she heard her name. Poor thing must have been petrified. "I'm Abigale." I introduce. "Nice to meet you." Lilian said while shaking my hand. Rose frowned. "He cut it short with you." She said and stroked my hair. "They've done this before?" I asked.
"Yes," Lillian nodded, "with Helen and Margaret." I nodded. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened to them?" I whispered. Rose's eyes grew. "We aren't supposed to talk about it." She said, her lip quivered with every word. I nodded yet again.

"Well, if we are to spend some time together let's get to know each other!" I said cheerfully.

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