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As we arrived at back at the flats, it was around 18:00, or to Abigale 6:00. It was incredibly awkward as the silence drifted in the air. I walked her back up to her flat, which was quite easy as she lives across the across hall. I looked over to her, she was trying to hide it, but she looked distraught. I couldn't help feel just a tad bit of guilt. If I had just crossed the street, she wouldn't have been arrested.

I sighed, And continued to walk forward. I felt someone watching me, I turned to see it was Abigale. "I know I'm pretty, but it's rude to stare." She said softly. Even her jokes were sad.
"How about I have you over for dinner." I suggested. She nodded. "I would love to." She replied.

I opened the door to the building and we both rushed up the stairs. I had never actually had a girl over that wasn't a criminal or was just someone I was just interviewing. No, this was a real proper guest.

I opened the door to my flat, and let Abigale in. Snowy rushed to greet us, as I told him I would be right back. Abigale bent down and scratched under his chin. "You two haven't properly met. Abigale, this is Snowy. Snowy, this is a Abigale." I told them. She smiled and rubbed his head. "Pleasure to meet you Snowy." She said.

She stood back up and straightened her dress. "What a wonderful dog you have." She said with a genuine smile. "Whoa wait. Are you actually being nice to me?" I asked flabbergasted, or at least pretending to be. "Shut up." She said crossing her arms. "I'm teasing." I said with a smile of my own.

"Sure you were. Now let's get down to business because I am very hungry." She said placing her hands together. "Very well. I was thinking I could make spaghetti." I told her softly. She raised an eyebrow. "What? Don't you like spaghetti?" I asked. "It's rude to let your host, do all the work." She said placing her hands on her hips. "Well it's rude to let your guest do any work." I said matching her tone.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm helping." She insisted. I rolled my eyes as well. "Fine." I said knowing I couldn't win. "Okay. Let's start cooking. " she said picking up a wooden spoon. I laughed. I then got out a pot from the cabinets. "Fill this with water." I instructed softly. Abigale nodded and placed the pot underneath the faucet, she turned the water on. I was reaching for the pasta when I felt something cold splash me on the neck.

I turned around and saw Abigale holding back her laugh. "Oi, you think it's funny?" I said. "A little." She laughed. She cupped up more water and threw it at me. "You are suck a child." I said wiping water off my sweater. She just shrugged.

Abigale turned her back. This was my chance for revenge. I dipped my hand and threw water at her. "Who's the child now?" She snapped. This started a whole splash war, and by the time we were done the kitchen was a mess and we were dripping wet.

"We could also make some sandwiches." I suggested. "Sounds simple enough." Abigale nodded. She looked around an laughed. "I'll help you clean all of this." She said. "There are towels in the closet by the restroom." I told her. She walked toward the bathroom.

A few minutes later she came back with a few towels. She placed one on the floor, then handed the rest to me. "When we are married don't expect me to be clean." She smirked while wiping up water. "Who says I'm going to marry you?" I asked. "That hurts me deeply." She said with a pout.

"Just keep cleaning." I said with a bright smile.

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