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Finally I might get a chance to prove myself. Two years of hard work and internships has finally paid off! All we need now is a plan.

That might be harder that we thought. First I need a camera, second we need to find out which place the girls are going missing from, then find them. Plus pictures and an article. I love my job.

I left the coffee shop about an hour ago, it was a nice 'date'. We have a lead and as Tintin said we'll follow it. I decided to walk around the street where the girls were last seen. It was quiet and quaint, much like the rest of the town. It seemed like nothing could go wrong here.

I walked past a fancy restaurant called Endroit Magnifique. A young man, really handsome, with a nice chin, Hazel eyes, and Carmel hair came up to me. "Hello, Mademoiselle. Free dining for such a beautiful lady." He spoke. Oh yeah, I'm in love.

"Perhaps another time. I just had lunch." I smiled. He nodded, and looked a bit disappointment. "That's alright, I hope to see you again." He said. I nodded "Count on it." I replied with a smirk.

I continued on my way down the street, and everything was perfectly fine. I wondered if those were just freak accidents. Not some chain thing. It looked like a normal everyday street. Well that is until I reached the pawn shop.

A man with a rugged brown satchel walked in to the pawn shop. Wait... That's my satchel! And that must be my camera inside. I followed him with fast pace. I had once carved my entails into the wood handles. I had him now!

"Excuse me sir," I said with my kindest smile, "might I ask what you are selling today?" I tried my best to add a bit of an accent to my voice, but it didn't work. "....Oh well... Um.... My family fell upon hard times, so I decided to sell this old camera...." He lied. I nodded and smiled. "I've been looking for a cheap camera, might I see it?" I asked.

He gulped. "Sure, why not." He said and handed me the satchel. I opened it up and the smell of cigars and alcohol filled my lungs. I picked up the camera, all was intact, my entails were still there, it was all still there. I sighed in relief. Now that I had it in my hands what was I going to do?

Well I slipped off my shoes and put them in the satchel, as well as the camera and ran.

The Reporter and The PhotographerWhere stories live. Discover now