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Lots of people have hobbies to pass the time. Some twirl their hair, others count in their head, and a few twiddle their thumbs. Mine is whistling. I've always done it, ever since I can remember. And I was doing it right now, locked in a room full of other people.

I think I was doing Yankee Doodle, but I had started doing my own thing. I could feel eyes watching me. "I am so sorry. Old habits die hard." I said apologetically. Lillian smiled, "No,no. You are quite good, plus it is ever so boring sitting here all day. You add a little spice to it."

I couldn't help but smile softly, Lilian's mother instincts where already kicking in. She was also so right about it being boring in here. All the room had was four mattress, and it was harsh and damp. We must be in a basement of some kind. From what I could tell a whole lot of men came in and out of this place. You could hear them stammering and slurring in their drunken state.

It was only a matter of time before one of them told what they had down here. Two beautiful prostitutes, and a house wife to get your mother off your back. I just prayed it would happen soon, it's only been four days and I'm practically dying. Not because of the small space, but because of the retched smell, like mildew or soured clothing.

Speaking of clothing, cute waiter boy or I now know Oswald, brought me some clothes. They were small, and a bit revealing, but it was tons better than wearing that horrific pink ball gown. The bland skirt went well above my knees and the blouse showed some cleavage. I could live with that.

We all sat in silence until we heard the clomping of footsteps coming closer to us. Rose and Lillian both stiffened up with fear. I knew the events to follow were going to be hell. A tall muscular man, with a 5 o'clock shadow walked up to me. With a devilish smirk, he yanked me by the arm and lead me out of room. As he pulled me I learned my basement theory was wrong, we were actually in some sort of warehouse. The girls and I were just in some under ground part.

He lead me to a bedroom scene. If he thought I was going to show him a good time he had another thing coming! As soon as his harsh kiss was planted on my lips, I kissed back. I let him have his moment, but as soon as he went for my shirt... I clamped down on his lip hard. He yelped in pain, and I could taste the iron liquid. His lip was busted wide open.

I wasn't done there though, before he could say a word I grabbed him by the hair and tried to bash his head against the wall, but he was far to strong. He punched me square in the nose. I could see black spots in my vision and I was positive that my nose was pouring blood. This time it was he who grabbed me by the hair. He threw me outside so fast I think I might have a bit of whiplash. He started kicking me in the gut. I wasn't know to cry a lot, but he was going to kill me. "STOP, PLEASE STOP." I screamed out. I could taste Blood, I could tell if it was from my nose or if I was coughing it up now. Luckily Oscar/cute waiter boy heard me.

"What are you doing? We need these girls in perfect condition, it's bad enough one of you doofs got one pregnant!" He yelled. "But she-" Mussels tried to argue, but Oscar's look shot daggers. I picked myself up and was the escorted back to the others.

They were mortified by looks, but were so proud I fought back. "I learned it all from my boyfriend." I smirked thinking about Tintin and his adventures.

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